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Infant Formula 91

Food hypersensitivity                                     same whey-to-casein ratio (20  :  80) as cow’s
                                                          milk. The energy content of casein-dominant
Very occasionally, a food that the mother eats can        formula is the same as that of whey-dominant
cause an allergic response in the infant. Common          formula. There is no evidence to support the
triggers are dairy products, eggs and nuts. If a          claim that these formulas are suitable for
mother needs to exclude a whole food group (e.g.          hungrier babies but there is some evidence that
milk and dairy products) then she should be               they may take longer to empty from the stomach
referred to a registered dietitian for advice to make     and infants may therefore feel satisfied for
sure her diet remains adequate in all nutrients,          longer (Taitz and Scholey 1989, Billeaud et al.
particularly calcium.                                     1990).

Infant Formula                                         Overall there is insufficient evidence to suggest
                                                       changing from whey- to casein-dominant formula
The standard infant formulas are made from             or for switching brands.
skimmed milk powder with added fats and
nutrients to make the composition nutritionally        ●● Modified infant formulas for infants with mild
adequate for infants. Formula milks have been             digestive problems such as colic have recently
modified as knowledge and technology progresses.          been introduced. They contain partially
However, their composition must always comply             hydrolysed protein, prebiotics, modified fat and
with strict criteria set by European Union                thickeners and are promoted for babies with
regulations, which are updated from time to time          minor digestive problems. Some have only
as scientific research advances. Current regulations      partially hydrolysed whey protein and no casein
can be found at            while others have a 50 : 50 mixture or partially
labellingnutrition/children/formulae_en.htm and           hydrolysed whey and casein proteins.
their interpretation for England at www.legislation.                   Differences between brands

   The EU regulations allow the protein in formula     There are four different brands of infant formula in
milks to be from either cow’s milk protein or soya     the UK. The formula manufacturers research and
protein. Goat’s milk is not allowed as a source of     develop their milk formulas in different ways and
protein as the evidence to support its use that has    each company promotes the benefits of their
been presented to the European Food Safety             formula to healthcare professionals based on
Authority was considered insufficient.                 different additions such as nucleotides, prebiotics
                                                       and different milk proteins such as alpha-
Choosing an infant formula suitable                    lactalbumin. However, these differences are
from birth                                             minimal and healthcare professionals cannot
                                                       promote one brand over another.
Infant formulas based on cow’s milk
protein                                                   Some of the nutrients in typical infant formula
There are three main types of milk-based infant        milks are listed in Table 4.1.2. The list of nutrients
formulas:                                              is not complete but the table highlights key
                                                       differences between breast milk and different
●● Whey-dominant infant formula: This is often         brands of infant formula milks.
   labelled with a ‘1’ and is promoted for newborn
   babies. The protein has the same whey-to-casein     Numbering system
   ratio (60 : 40) as mature breast milk.
                                                       Any infant formula is nutritionally adequate for
●● Casein-dominant infant formula: This is labelled    infants throughout their first year of life. However,
   with a ‘2’ in some brands and is promoted as        the current labelling on formula milks implies that
   suitable for hungrier babies. The protein has the   a baby should progress by stages through the
                                                       different types of formula milks, with the use of
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