Page 103 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
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94 4.1  Milk Feeding

numbers 1–4 implying the different stages. These   them if there is a clinical need while the infant is
numbered stages are not uniform across all brands  still under 6 months of age. In 2004 the Chief
which may confuse parents. Some examples are       Medical Officer advised that: ‘Soya-based formulae
listed in Table 4.1.3.                             should only be used in exceptional circumstances
                                                   to ensure adequate nutrition. For example, they
Soya-based infant formulas                         may be given to infants of vegan parents who are
                                                   not breastfeeding or infants who find alternatives
Soya-based infant formulas were previously         prescribed for allergy treatment unacceptable.’
recommended as an alternative to cow’s milk-based
infant formulas, but they are no longer            Follow-on formulas
recommended for infants in the UK under 6          Follow-on formulas are only suitable for infants
months as they have a high content of phyto-       over 6 months as they are higher in protein and
estrogens and may have an oestrogenic effect. The  some nutrients than infant formula. Either infant
consequences of this are uncertain.                formula or follow-on formula can be given as the
                                                   main milk drink between 6 and 12 months.
   Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring
chemicals similar to human oestrogen and are       Specialized infant formulas
found in some foods of plant origin (e.g. soya     There are a range of specialized infant formulas
beans). One study found that the production of     available for infants with certain medical
testosterone was suppressed in neonatal marmoset   conditions (see Table 4.3.1 pages 119–120). They
monkeys that were partially fed soya formula. No   should only be used on the advice of a doctor or
study has definitely proven that soya formula can  dietitian.
cause long-term damage to human infants, and a
paediatrician, GP or dietitian may recommend

Table 4.1.3  Infant and follow-on formulas based on cow’s milk protein

Formulas                                 Examples                             Number on the  Manufacturer
Whey-dominant infant formula –           Aptamil First milk                   packaging      Milupa
whey-to-casein ratio is 60 : 40          Cow & Gate First Infant Milk                        Cow & Gate
                                         Hipp Organic First Infant Milk                1     Hipp
Casein-dominant infant formula –         SMA First Infant Milk                         1     SMA Nutrition
whey-to-casein ratio is 20 : 80          Aptamil Hungry milk                           1     Milupa
                                         Cow & Gate Infant Milk for Hungrier           1     Cow & Gate
Modified infant formulas for minor       Babies                                        2
digestive problems                       Hipp Organic Hungry Infant Milk               2
Protein is partially hydrolysed, fat is  SMA Extra Hungry Infant Milk
modified, some of the lactose is         Aptamil Comfort                      2 Hipp
replaced with starch                     Cow & Gate Comfort                   – SMA Nutrition
Have added thickeners                                                         – Milupa
Follow-on milks                          Aptamil Follow On milk               – Cow & Gate
Suitable from 6 months                   Cow & Gate Follow-on Milk
                                         Hipp Organic Follow On Milk          3 Milupa
                                         SMA Follow-on Milk                   3 Cow & Gate
                                         Hipp Organic Good Night Milk         3 Hipp
                                                                              2 SMA Nutrition
                                                                              3 Hipp
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