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98 4.1  Milk Feeding

Michels KB, Willett WC, Graubard BI, et al. (2007) A         Resources
   longitudinal study of infant feeding and obesity
   throughout life course. International Journal of          British Dietetic Association: Breastfeeding (factsheet)
   Obesity 31: 1078–1085.                                    (
                                                             Department of Health: Breastfeeding: Off to the best
NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical             start (leaf let 278957) (
   Excellence) (2008a) Clinical Guidance 63. Diabetes        Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/Publications
   in pregnancy: management of diabetes and its              PolicyAndGuidance/DH_074095)
   complications from preconception to the postnatal         Department of Health: Breastfeeding and work
   period. March 2008.             (leaflet 279472) Workplace booklet 04/08 200k
   CG63 (accessed April 2012).                               (
NICE (2008b) Public Health Guidance 11. Improving            Food Standards Agency. Guidance for health
   the nutrition of pregnant and breastfeeding               professionals on safe preparation, storage and
   mothers and children in low-income households.            handling of powdered infant formula (
   March 2008.                gov.u k /mu lt i med ia /pd fs/formu lag u id a nce.pd f )
   PH011guidance.pdf (accessed April 2012).                  Healthy Start scheme (
                                                             NHS Choices: Healthy lifestyle and breastfeeding
NICE (2008c) Clinical Guidance 62. Antenatal care:           (
   routine care for the healthy pregnant woman.              Pages/lifestyle-breastfeeding.aspx)
   March 2008.
   CG062NICEguideline.pdf (accessed April 2012).             DVDs

Oddy W (2009) Breast feeding and childhood asthma.           Breastfeeding: A Guide to Successful Positioning.
   Thorax 64: 558–559.                                       Produced by Mark-it Television
                                                             Breastfeeding: Dealing with the Problems. Produced
Quigley MA, Kelly YJ and Sacker A (2007)                     by Mark-it Television
   Breastfeeding and hospitalisation for diarrheal           Prolog: From Bump to Breastfeeding (DVD). Order
   and respiratory infection in the UK Millennium            from Prolog: Tel: 0300 123 1002.
   Cohort Study. Pediatrics 119: 837–842.
                                                             Resources for healthcare
Quigley MA, Kelly YJ and Sacker A (2009) Infant              professionals
   feeding, solid foods and hospitalisation in the first
   8 months after birth. Archives of Disease in              Further information on the Safety Guidelines issued
   Childhood 94: 148–150.                                    by the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA)
                                                             Scientific Panel on Biological Hazards in infant and
Taitz LS and Scholey E (1989) Are babies more                follow-on formulas (
   satisfied by casein-based formulae? Archives of           efsajournal/pub/113.htm)
   Disease in Childhood 64: 619–662.

WHO (World Health Organization) (2003) Global
   Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding.
   Geneva: WHO.

World Cancer Research Fund (2007) Food, Nutrition,
   Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: A global
   perspective. London: World Cancer Research Fund.
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