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Vitamin Supplementation for Formula-fed Infants 97
Vitamin Supplementation for Department of Health (1994) Weaning and the
Formula-fed Infants Weaning Diet. Report on Health and Social
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All formula milks are fortified with vitamins A
and D and most formula-fed infants will receive Department of Health (2004) HIV and Infant Feeding:
enough of these two vitamins in their formula Guidance from the UK Chief Medical Officers’
milk during the first 6 months of life. All formula- Expert Advisory Group on AIDS.
fed infants should begin a supplement of vitamins en/publicationsandstatistics/publications/
A and D from 6 months once they are drinking publicationspolicyandguidance/dh_4089892
less than 500 mL formula per day (Department of (accessed April 2012).
Health 1994). Local policies may vary; in some
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seen more frequently vitamin supplementation the best start.
for formula-fed infants may be recommended sandstatistics/Publications/
from birth. PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_074095
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Li L, Parsons TJ and Power C (2003) Breast feeding
Department of Health (1991) Report on Health and and obesity in childhood: cross sectional study.
Social Subjects No. 41. Dietary Reference Values for British Medical Journal 327: 904–905.
Food Energy and Nutrients for the United Kingdom.
London: The Stationery Office. Martin RM, Ness AR, Gunnell D, et al. (2004) Does
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Mayer EJ, Hamman RF and Gay EC (1988) Reduced
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