Page 314 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 314

Box 14-1 ■ Type Styles, Fonts, and Print Sizes

   For slides, the number of words should be limited to 20 to 36 per slide. The “rule of six,” is to use not more
than six lines and not more than six words per line with type size of 24 points or higher.4 Capital letters are
appropriate for short titles of five to six words or less, but not advised for longer sentences (i.e., ALL CAPS
capital and lower case is preferable for longer titles, allowing space for readability (i.e., A Combination of
Upper and Lower Case Letters Allows the Reader to Comprehend Material). You may wish to number lists
or use bullets (•), underline words for emphasis, or add stars to key points.4,5


Color can enhance visuals and demand attention. A noted color design consultant, Laura Guido-Clark, uses
the principle that “within 90 seconds of viewing an object or environment, you base up to 90% of your
subconscious judgment on color alone.”6 You should combine colors that are pleasing aesthetically and do not
clash. It is best to decide on the focus of the visual and select the color for that element first. Colors have
subtle meanings for individuals. In most Western countries, red and orange are considered “hot,” whereas
green, blue, and violet are considered “cool” colors.4 Colors closest to nature, such as blue and green, may feel
fresh and are most pleasing to the widest audience. The presenter should start by considering the background
color. If it is light, any bright colors may be used. With a dark background, lighter shades are needed for
contrast and the print must be larger to be readable. Select a color or theme and only change it for major
reasons. Look for standardized templates, such as found in PowerPoint, that provide preselected color palates
that are balanced.

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