Page 328 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 328

Total Polysyllabic Word Count       Approximate Grade Level (+1.5 Grades)

0–2 4

3–6 5

7–12                                6

13–20                               7

21–30                               8

31–42                               9

43–55                               10

56–72                               11

73–90                               12

91–110                              13

111–132                             14

133–156                             15

157–182                             16

183–210                             17

211–240                             18

Table 14-1 ■ SMOG Readability Formula

Source: From McLaughlin G. SMOG grading: a new readability formula. J Reading. 1969;12(8):639–646. Adapted with permission.

Purchasing Prepared Media Materials

The question often arises about whether to prepare your own media materials or use existing materials. The
most basic answer is to use the least expensive media to accomplish the goals with the best quality possible.23
Factors such as the anticipated longevity of the material before it is outdated and the number of times you will
use the material should influence the decision. The cost of purchased versus self-made media needs to be
considered in terms of time, quality, and expertise. With so many presentations posted on the web, searching
the Internet for presentations is valuable. If the materials fit the needs of the group, try to obtain permission
to use the materials, referencing the original source. Many organizations and the government encourage
individuals to use their materials without permission, but with proper acknowledgment.

   The availability of technical expertise in design and production is essential, especially for audio and video
production. The availability of prepared pamphlets or videos to meet the objectives is also important. In
addition, the cost to reproduce the material is a consideration.

   Regardless of who produces the instructional media, the materials should be evaluated on a continual basis.
Box 14-3 offers some considerations when evaluating education materials. Eventually, you want to know what
proves most effective in the shortest time frame in learning and retention, thus providing efficiency. Refer to
Chapter 12 for more information on education evaluation.

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