Page 325 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 325

does not include a slide, a black slide can be inserted or a key stroke can be used to create a computer screen
change. It is important the information is concise and interesting rather than represent the full text of what
the presenter will be saying. Reading the content of a slide is boring to the audience and decreases attention to
the topic.18

   To show the presentation to a large audience, the computer is connected to a projection device. A liquid
crystal display (LCD) projector or other technology displays the images on a screen. Projectors vary in
resolution, brightness, the ability to zoom picture size, weight, portability, and cost. The computer mouse or a
laser pointer is used to illustrate points on the slides. It is important to use this method to intermittently point
out information rather than consistently moving the pointer on the screen in a distracting manner. Laser
pointers do not work on some projection systems due to the video resolution.

   Download your presentation to a portable format in addition to storing on a computer-based file. Select the
most appropriate devices from an array of options that are constantly evolving in technology and
sophistication (i.e., memory sticks, flash drives, cloud storage). If for some reason your computer does not
connect properly to the projector or monitor provided, you have the ability to move your presentation quickly
to a computer that is compatible with the monitor provided.

Audio Recordings

Audio recordings, saved in a wide array of technology formats, can be prerecorded to illustrate key educational
points. Podcasts are effective ways to “hear” a message. Long recordings may be more appropriate for
individual listening than for a group presentation. Short audios can be very effective in a large group
presentation. Testimonials, several sentences from a key leader, or a commercial or radio segment can be used
as a springboard for many messages. Create your audio presentation using an informal conversational tone of
voice with slow, clear enunciation. Listen to the recording before using it to assess whether the sound quality
is acceptable. Background noise on the recording can be very distracting.

Video Recordings and Web-Based Formats

The combination of sights and sounds from videos is pleasing to most people. Purchased or rented video
media should be previewed to check for appropriateness. Visual materials are offered by many groups such as
the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association,
National Dairy Council, Educational Foundation of the National Restaurant Association, commercial
companies, government agencies, and private media companies.

   An LCD projector with video signal capacities and monitor is generally necessary for audience viewing.
Because audiences tend to view passively, they should be told what to look for before viewing. Preplanned
activities or discussion questions should follow. A video may be viewed alone at the learner’s own pace or
viewed repeatedly to enhance learning. The presenter may use the “pause” feature to stop a video for
discussion. Short video clips can highlight key points and help segment the talk.18

   Capturing demonstrations and then placing on a web-based site can reinforce techniques and procedures in
a step-by-step process. Whether you are illustrating how to easily remove the skin from chicken or how to
interact with a client, the use of video can be a very effective tool for both learning new material and
reinforcing skills.2,9

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