Page 330 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 330

Credibility of information
 Number of content errors
 Date of publication
 Flow of concepts, continuity
 Scientific basis of information
 Practicality of information
 Focuses on behavioral change

                                                 Format Criteria

 Color scheme
 Photographs, illustrations
 Layout, balance
 Use of white space
 Use of highlighting techniques
 Quality of copy
 Captures attention
 Complexity of details
 Illustrations that support messages
 Web connection to current information
 Quality of paper
 Use of charts, graphs, and tables

Box 14-3 ■ Evaluating Education Materials

Source: From Little D, Felten P, Berry C. Looking and Learning: Visual Literacy Across the Disciplines. Philadelphia, PA: Jossey-Bass; 2015.

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