Page 19 - St Michael 2022 Chimbote Mission Newsletter
P. 19
St Michael Catholic Church
2022 Chimbote Mission Campaign
25 years ago...
St. Michael’s parish entered into
a covenant with “Our Lady of
Perpetual Help” parish in Chimbote,
Peru. It was the beginning of our
relationship commitment to help
our struggling brothers and sisters
in Chimbote and surrounding Thousands of miles away you are impacting the lives of our brothers
communities. Working side by side and sisters in Peru during a global pandemic that spread throughout our
with them, St. Michael’s parishioners world that affected us all. For almost 2 years now, despite the hardships
have transformed the lives of those that you were continued to support this mission. Because
living in extreme poverty and their of YOU...Lives have been saved. Lives have been transformed. Hope
own lives has been restored.
Going above and beyond, your extra loving generosity empowered
Friends of Chimbote and ACAF to reach far beyond our limits. We have
2022 CHIMBOTE grown stronger as a mission and have become a leading organization
MISSION CAMPAIGN within the community. The ACAF Staff standing on the front lines
risking their own lives. Working tirelessly to reach the poorest of the
will focus on improving the poor through all the campaigns through your donation dollars to make
desperate living conditions of the greatest impact. There are no words to express the tremendous
thankfulness that we have for you!
the poorest of the poor who live
in communities that provide no a list of projects that were implemented...
essential services or water. A focus Because of YOU!
on transforming a community and
empowering the residents to be part
of a promising future! Housing Projects Back Pack Distribution
Oxygen Campaign Inmate Mothers Fullfillment
Bread-n-Fish Distribution Joining Forces (Packing Day)
FAITH MISSION Farm to Pot Event Anti-COVID Kits Delivery
White Board & Desk Mental Health Campaign
with each food package delivered, Campaign Campaign of Solidarity -
house built and patient treated, our Fresh Fruit Distribution Combating the Cold
brothers and sisters thank God for Fish for All Helping Recyclers Program
answering their prayers!
Nutritional Food Campaign Guinea Pig Pilot Program
Blanket Campaign Culinary Program
Soup Kitchens New Pickup Arrival
Aid for Fire Victims Water for Life
Please see the back page Homeless Rescue Packs Medical & Anemia Program
for opportunities to join this Education without Borders