Page 15 - St Michael 2022 Chimbote Mission Newsletter
P. 15
Yadiera Elizabeth Pareda Lopez Family
St Michael Catholic Church
On behalf of the Yadiera Elizabetth Pareda Lopez family, a heartfelt thank you
goes out to you for the generous gift of a home. Because of YOU...This
family has beds to dream in, a roof to protect them and a chance to take
one more step on the path out of poverty.
Yadira Elizabeth (29) is a young, single mother who fights day after day to
provide for her 2 children, Mia (6) and Dayron (3). Yadira provides for her
home and family by working on farms, husking corn, weeding or harvesting
vegetables; when fish are in season, she also works in the canning factories
or does other jobs to earn enough to pay for her family´s needs each day. She
now tells us that when she goes to work in the early hours of the morning Yadira
leaves her children with her mother; and tries to leave their breakfast prepared
and their food for lunch so that they lack for nothing during the day.
The land where Yadira built her house used to belong to her brother, but he moved to
Chile and passed the land to his sister. Yadira built a humble house made of estera,
bullrush and blue plastic sheets to protect them from cold and rain. They have no
access to essential services but make do how they can, they buy water for drinking
and washing, pay for provisional electricity and have an improvised toilet in the
ground. The hygiene conditions in these neighborhoods are truly despairing, but
Yadira does what she can to provide small comforts for her children.
When we asked Yadira about her dreams, she told us that she wishes to provide more
for her children – a safe home and good quality nutrition. She also hopes that soon her
children will be able to attend school. She tries to put a small amount of money aside each
month to be able to purchase school supplies. She has a personal dream as she wants to complete
her nursing training – she has one semester left but has been unable to finish it due to a lack of money. If she
completed her training, she knows that she could provide a better life for her children.