Page 16 - St Michael 2022 Chimbote Mission Newsletter
P. 16
Yadira and her children tried very had to hold back their excitement as they entered into their new home in
disbelief. Yadira said it is overwhelming to one day be praying that they are safe from the outside elements and
the cold to a few days later walking her daughter Mia stated...”a princess castle.”
Yadira is a strong yet shy woman who we know will thrive with this opportunity that she has been blessed with.
She understands the greatness of this gift that complete strangers have given her but she holds them dear to
her heart as dear family. She will continue to strive to finish her nursing education and knows that this will
become a reality with hard work and keeping hope for better things to come. With the saftey of her home for
her children, she looks forward to restful sleep at night.