Page 20 - St Michael 2022 Chimbote Mission Newsletter
P. 20


                                        PROVIDE SHELTER & COMFORT

            $4800              $2150              $150              $290                $90              $150
            Item # S1          Item # S2         Item # S3          Item # S4         Item # S5          Item # C4
           3 bedroom         2 bedroom         Double Bed         Bunk Beds          Gas Stove            Table
           wood home       wood home with       Includes a          Includes          and Tank             with
          with concrete     compacted dirt   mattress, blanket,   2 mattresses,                          6 chairs
              floor              floor          sheet and      2 blankets, 2 sheets
                                                 2 pillows        and 2 pillows

                                                 HUMANITARIAN AID

             $380              $350              $2300              $580              $1250              $450
            Item # H1         Item # H2          Item # H3          Item # H4         Item # H5          Item # S3

         Water Delivery      Water Purifi-     Soup Kitchen      Doctor visit and   Loaves & Fish-       Food &
        10,000 liters for   cation Tablets.    meals for 200      medicine for      Food delivery to a   Package to feed
        200-250 families    Purify 20 liters   families for a       14 days        community for 250-  20 families for 5
                           for 175 families                                           300 families         days

                                           PROVIDE HOPE & A FUTURE

             $400               $700              $300                $50             $1650               $50
            Item # F1          Item # F2         Item # F3          Item # F4         Item # F5          Item # S3
            Microloan         Guinea Pig      School Support    Garden box with       Two-year          Classroom
           to aspiring         Program           for 1 year.    dirt, fertilizer and   vocational     Supplies and a
         entrepreneur to    Assist with the   Providing school   seeds to grow       training to a      School Bag
          start their own   startup business    supplies and      vegetables.          student
            business          for a family    study materials.

                  Join Us...

         Transforming Lives

      IMAGINE...the joy you can experience knowing you are able to make a
      huge difference in someone’s life, giving them an opportunity to take one more
      step on the path out of poverty.  Imagine the thought of your resources purchasing
      life-saving food, water and medicine. Imagine the comfort you will feel knowing that you are helping
      improve a family’s living conditions by trading out their dusty, flimsy, insect infested walls for clean new
      walls, providing beds for them to dream in, a table to gather at and a kitchen with a stove to feed their
      family. Imagine restoring hope through supplies for their children’s education or training for a trade.
               100% of your donation will go directly to pay for home materials or emergency aid.
                                        Cut off this section to place in basket or mail to:
                                           Cut off this section to place in basket or mail to:
                           St. Michael Catholic Church, 16311 Duluth Ave, Prior Lake, MN 55372

        Name:_________________________ Email: _______________________  Item #s : _____, _____, _____,  Friends of Chimbote
                                                                                                         PO Box 717
        Address:____________________________________________________  _____, _____, _____, _____     West Fargo, ND 58078
                      ____________________________________________________                              701-364-0162
                                                                      Total Donation: $ _______     www
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