Page 34 - RHEL8 BOOK
P. 34

1. Add a new user
          [root@comp1 ~] # useradd <username>
          [root@comp1 ~] # useradd tom

          2. To filter single user properties
          [root@comp1 ~] # grep tom /etc/passwd

          3. To check last 10 lines of /etc/passwd
          [root@comp1 ~] # tail /etc/passwd

          4. To check top lines of user’s file
          [root@comp1 ~] # head /etc/passwd

          5. To assign password on tom user
          [root@comp1 ~] # passwd tom

          6. To check password properties of tom user
          [root@comp1 ~] # grep tom /etc/shadow

          7. Verification (open another GUI to login with new user)
          [root@comp1 ~] # gdmflexiserver

          [root@comp1 ~] # useradd <options> <username>
          -u – UID (2000 changing the user id)
          -c – Comment (“Manager” changing new comment)
          -d - Home directory (/sales changing new directory)
          -s – Shell (/bin/csh changing a user login name)
          -l – /bin/csh (changing a user login name)
          -L – /bin/csh (To lock a user account)
          -U – /bin/csh (Unlock a user account)

          8. Create a user ali whose user id is 2001
          [root@sun ~] # useradd -u 2001 ali
          [root@sun ~] # grep ali /etc/passwd

          9. Create a user tom whose comment “Manager”
          [root@sun ~] # useradd -c "Manager" tom
          [root@sun ~] # grep tom /etc/passwd

          10. Create a user ram whose home directory exist in /salesdept folder
          [root@sun ~] # mkdir /salesdept
          [root@sun ~] # useradd -d /salesdept/ram ram
          [root@sun ~] # grep ram /etc/passwd

                                                       S. Pradhan
                             (MCA, MBA-IT, BCA, CCNA, MCSA 2012, RHCE, ETHICAL HACKING)
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