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Patel  &  Jain  (2002:  95)  states  that  ―the  communicative  approach  is  a
                        learner centered approach. This approach gives the learner not only grammatical

                        competence but also a social skill as to what to say, how to say, when to say and
                        where, in order to satisfy his daily needs as larger aim (Lyubova, Bilyalova, &

                        Evgrafova,  2014:  263).  In  this  approach,  apart  from  fluency,  accuracy  and

                        appropriateness  are  equally important‖. Communicative approach here refers to
                        communicative  competence.  The  language  learning  process  is  created

                        communicatively.  Thus  an  effective  use  of  language  needs  to  produce
                        grammatically well formed.

                               Based  on  the  explanation  of  CLT  mentioned  above,  the  researcher  sees
                        that CLT is as an approach not a method that aims to create language learners‘

                        communicative competence. The goal of CLT is to make language learners enable

                        to communicate the language learnt by them in their live. This CLT approach is
                        designed  to  develop  both  the  accuracy  and  fluency.  To  reach  communicative

                        competence  needs  other  competences  such  us  grammatical,  strategic,

                        sociolinguistic, actional and discourse competence.
                        b.  The Evolution of CLT

                               The  CLT  in  language  teaching  starts  from  a  theory  of  language  as
                        communication or language as action (see Savignon, 2001; Celce-Mucia, 2007).

                        The goal of language teaching is to develop what some linguist such as Hymes
                        who refers to as communicative competence. Hymes creates this term in order to

                        try  to  contrast  a  communicative  view  of  language  and  Chomsky‘s  theory  of

                               Richards  &  Rodgers  (1999:  71)  state  that  ―a  person  who  acquires

                        communicative  competence  acquires  both  knowledge  and  ability  for  language
                        production  with  respect  to;  whether  something  is  formally  possible,  whether

                        something is feasible in virtue of the means of implementation available, whether
                        something is appropriate in relation to a context in which it is used and evaluated,

                        and whether something  is  in  fact  done actually  performed, and  what  it‘s  doing

                               The nature of language as a means of communication is a foundation in

                        applying  CLT  approach.  The  act  of  communicative  can  found  in  many

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