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competences such as what Celce-Murcia (2007), Canale (1983), Canale & Swain
                        (1980), and Hymes (1967, 1972) are proposed in ―communicative competence‖.

                        The  related  analysis  of  communicative  competence  is  found  in  Canale  and
                        Swain‘s  view  in  which  four  dimensions  of  communicative  competence  are

                        identified; ―grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, sociolinguistic

                        competence,  strategic  competence,  and  discourse  competence‖  (Celce-Murcia,
                        2007: 40).

                               In the mid-nineties Celce-Murcia et al (2007: 42) proposed that ―actional
                        competence (the ability to comprehend and produce all significant speech acts and

                        speech act sets) should also be part of communicative competence‖. They made
                        two  changes  in  terminology:  the  Canale-Swain  model:  (1)  that  sociolinguistic

                        competence  be  modified  to  sociocultural  competence  and  (2)  that  grammatical

                        competence be re-labeled as linguistic competence to explicitly include the sound
                        system,  lexicon,  and  grammar.  This  historical  development  of  the  components

                        included in the various models of communicative competence is summarized in

                        Figure 1.

                          Chomsky          Hymes        Canale&Swain         Canale          Celcia-Murcia
                         (1957,1965)     (1967,1972)        (1980)           (1983)             (1995)

                          Linguistic      Linguistic      Grammatical      Grammatical        Grammatical
                         Competence      Competence      Competence       Competence         Competence

                                         Sociolinguistic   Strategic        Strategic          Strategic
                                         Competence       Competence       Competence        Competence

                                                          Sociolinguistic   Sociolinguistic   Sociolinguistic
                                                         Competence        Competence         Competence

                                                                             Discourse          Actional
                                                                           Competence         Competence


                           Figure 1. Evolution of Communicative Competences (Celce-Murcia, 2007)

                               In  1995  model,  Celce-Murcia  made  a  pyramid  enclosing  to  circle,

                        surrounded  by  another  circle.  The  circle  inside  formed  the  pyramid  which  is

                        discourse competence as the core or central competence. The three competences

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