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for autonomous learning. And sixth, the role of the teacher is that facilitator and
guide, not an all-knowing bestower of knowledge. Therefore, students are
encouraged to construct meaning through genuine linguistic interaction with
Kirkpatrick & Ghaemi (2011: 149) find that in CLT classroom activities
based on his research in Thailand, ―the teachers should understand sometimes the
CLT may rub against what students have come to expect in a classroom. The
teachers should understand the CLT principles.‖ So, the application in classroom
activities, the English teachers should give attention more about CLT principles.
The CLT principles give learners to use the target language in useful and
meaningful contexts, thus bringing the real world into the classroom. And this
approach can be adapted to any level ranging from Pre-Beginner to Advanced and
is suitable for classes comprising students with different linguistic backgrounds
and varying levels of communicative competence, thus allowing learners to
interact with each according to their level of proficiency.
e. The Learners and Teacher Roles in CLT
Littlewood (2002: 19) states that ―the teachers‘ role in communicative
activities especially in the more creative types of activity, unnecessary
intervention on the teachers‘ part, may prevent the learners from becoming
genuinely involved in the activity and thus hinder the development of their
communicative skills.‖ However, this does not mean that once an activity is in
progress, the teacher become a passive observer. The function of teachers
becomes less dominant than before, but no less important.
In CLT learning process for all skills, especially writing skill, the teachers
can take place such as what Harmer (2001: 58) calls some teacher roles in
teaching English as foreign language. Those roles are such as ―controller,
organizer, assessor, prompter, and participant.‖ These roles can be modified by
CLT writing teachers in classroom and in completing students‘ assignment.
1. Controller
In teaching writing skill, there are many activities that should be done by
university students and the lecturers or teachers can take a part as controller.
Harmer (2001: 58) states that ―when the teachers act as controller they are in