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Approaching language learning from the perspective of texts requires an
accompanying principle of teaching and learning which enable students to
develop the knowledge and skills to deal with the spoken and written in social
context (Feez & Joyce, 2002: 24). The genre approach to language learning was
first developed in Australia through the work of educational linguists and
educators who have been working with disadvantaged groups of students. The
approach is now widely used in all sectors of education and then we called it with
‗Genre-Based Approach‘ (GBA).
Emilia (2011: 20-21) explains that the principles of GBA include that the
GBA concerns on the importance of developing students‘ awareness in which any
text is unique creation from unique writers and relative for certain people and
context. Relative text here means that a text is considered relevant to people to use
it or a text gets positive response. Halliday (1985: 5) & Emilia (2011: 21) states
language is as a social activity and social process. Knowledge is transmitted in
social context. Genres are results of the value system and ideology of the culture.
GBA emphasizes that learning will be effective if the teacher explains
explicitly skills that belong to students, how language operates to build a meaning
within variant texts and with each linguistic sorts. The language teaching should
do continuously. So, a good teacher is continuously learning. The student role is
as trainee and teacher role is expert of language system and function. Therefore,
the teacher should help the students to get successful learning. The other principle
of GBA, Emilia (2011: 20) argues that the approach is concerned with
grammatical structure because grammar is important part to guide students to
understand how the language operates and functions. The grammar is taught based
on context and its function in text that enable students and teacher are able to
write, read, listen and speak.
b. Classroom Steps of Genre-Based Approach (GBA)
Teaching of all language skills lies in each stage of GBA process that
supports the developments of all language skills. According to Feez & Joyce
(2002: 28), Emilia (2011: 33), & Widodo (2006: 173-199), there are five stages of
teaching English using GBA, Those are building knowledge of the field, modeling