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6.  Genre-Based Instruction
                               Genre is defined as social construction through language. It is similar to

                        what  Hyland  (2003:  21)  said  that  genre  refers  to  abstract,  socially  recognized
                        ways  of  using  language.  It  is  based  on  the  assumptions  that  the  features  of  a

                        similar group of texts depend on the social context of their creations and use, and

                        that those features can be described in a way that relates a text to others like it and
                        to the choices and constraints acting on text producers.

                               In foreign or second-language teaching, a genre-based approach refers to
                        teaching  learners  how  to  make  use  of  language  patterns  to  achieve  a  coherent,

                        purposeful  composition  (Hyland,  2003).  Hyland  adds  that  the  genre-based
                        approach  has  largely  drawn  on  the  theory  of  systematic  functional  grammar

                        originally developed by Halliday. This theory addresses the relationship between

                        language and its social functions and sets out to show how language is a system
                        from which users make choices to utter meanings.

                               In  other  words,  the  genre-based  approach  focuses  heavily  on  the  reader

                        and  on  the  conventions  that  a  piece  of  writing  needs  to  follow  in  order  to  be
                        successfully  accepted  by  its  readership  (Muncie,  2002).  Using  the  genre-based

                        approach,  a  teacher  is  required  to  get  learners  to  write  or  produce  a  text  or
                        composition (that is, an academic essay) on the basis of purpose, organization and

                        audience  (Paltridge,  2001).  Thus,  a  genre-based  approach  to  the  teaching  of
                        language skills is one in which language is viewed as both process and product of

                        the whole process of receptive and productive skills.

                        a.  Principles of Genre-Based Approach (GBA)
                               There  are  some  approaches  that  have  been  applied  previously  to  teach

                        writing skills. Hartati (2017: 294) suggests that the conferencing approach can be
                        practiced  to  promote  writing  abilities.  Aunurrahman,  Hamied,  &  Emilia  (2017:

                        76) suggest  that the systemic functional  linguistic in  a genre-based approach is
                        able  to  improve  students‘  academic  writing  competences.  The  rhetorical

                        competences  give  effects  toward  students‘  writing  ability.  Therefore,  students‘

                        rhetorical  competences  should  be  improved  through  communicative  language
                        teaching  approach  (Bian  &  Wang,  2016:  20)  and  the  genre-based  approach

                        (Nurlaelawati & Novianti, 2017: 160-166).

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