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and  deconstructing  the  text,  joint  construction  of  the  text,  independent
                        construction of the text, and linking related text.

                        1)  Building knowledge of the field
                               This stage aims to build the knowledge of students about topics that will

                        be written. The activities of this stage differ with the building knowledge of the

                        text. Many teachers think that building knowledge of the field aims to explain the
                        text that will be written by students such us explaining the generic structure and

                        linguistic features of the texts, but it is inappropriate. If doing so, the teachers do
                        not apply the building knowledge of the field but applying the building knowledge

                        of the text (Emilia, 2011: 33).
                                Widodo (2006: 26) said that the activating students‘ schema is essential

                        for students to know something about the topic so that they are able to develop it

                        easily into a complete essay. Activating the schema engages student writers in a
                        brainstorming activity that  encourage them to  think  of what  they  already  know

                        about the topic they are going to write on (Anderson, 2003). To do this, a teacher

                        might  ask  leading  questions  or  provide  students  with  some  information  in  the
                        form  of brochures, newspapers or web-pages to  read in  order to  help  them  get

                        more information about what they already know or even what they do not know
                        yet. In this stage student:

                        a.  Students are introduced to the social context of an authentic model of the text-
                            type being studied.

                        b.  Students explore features of the general cultural context in which the text type

                            is used and the social purposes of the text-type achieves.
                        c.  Students  explore  the  immediate  context  of  situation  by  investigating  the

                            register of a model text which has been selected on the basic of the course
                            objective and learner need.

                                Feez  &  Joyce  (2002:  29)  state  that  in  doing  an  exploration  of  register
                        involves; (a) building knowledge of the topic of the model text and knowledge of

                        the social activity in which this text is used, for instance, the social activity of job

                        seeking within a topic of the text; (b) understanding the roles and relationships of
                        the  people  using  the  text  and  how  these  are  established  and  maintained,  for

                        instance, the relationship between a job-seeker and a prospective employer; and

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