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encouragingly, but if the teachers are too adamant they risk taking initiative away
                        from students, if on the other hand, the teachers are too retiring the teachers may

                        not supply the right amount of encouragement for their students.
                        5.  Participant

                               Harmer  (2001:  60)  states  that  ―the  traditional  picture  of  teachers  is  of

                        people who stand back from the activities.‖ Since the students do discussion, the
                        teachers let them get on with students‘ activities and the teachers only intervene

                        later  to  offer  feedback  and  or  correct  their  mistakes.  However,  there  are  also
                        opportunities  when  the  teachers  want  to  come  together  in  an  activity  not  as  a

                        teacher, but also as a participant in teaching classroom process.
                               The teachers in CLT have many roles, but the CLT teachers can choose

                        some roles that are suitable for them for their classroom situation. CLT is based

                        on the idea that the aim of second language  learning  is  to  gain  communicative
                        competency. In this approach learner have to know the rules of use of language in

                        order to generate language appropriately for certain situations. The teacher should

                        have also the knowledge of the use of techniques to communicate effectively. This
                        learning process draws attention toward on the use of language in everyday life.

                        Richards  (2006:  6)  states  that  the  goal  of  communicative  approach  is  to  attain
                        learners‘ communicative competences. In learning process, the teacher is seen as a

                        facilitator of his students in the class.
                               Littlewood  (2002:  19)  states  that  while  the  learners  are  performing,  the

                        teacher can monitor their strengths and weaknesses. Even though teacher may not

                        intervene at the time, he can use weaknesses as sign of learning needs which he
                        must  cater  for  later,  probably  through  more  controlled,  pre  communicative

                        activities, and link between pre communicative and communicative activities in
                        the course. In making the point, it has been assumed that the teacher has no direct

                        role in the activity. There will be also activities, of course, in which the teacher
                        can  take  part  as  a  communicator.  A  teacher  can  maintain  this  role  without

                        becoming  dominant.  This  role  enables  him  to  give  guidance  and  stimuli  from

                        inside the activity.
                               However,  there  are  various  roles  of  teacher  and  students  in  CLT  that

                        applied linguists mention in different books. To choose the appropriate roles both

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