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identifying  key  information  in  a  passage.  A  skills-based  syllabus  gives  more
                        attention  on  integrated-skills  teaching.  Advocates  of  CLT  however  stressed  an

                        integrated-skills approach to the teaching of the skills. Since in real life the skill
                        often occur together, they should also be linked in teaching.

                               A skills-based syllabus in CLT perspective focuses on the four skills but a

                        functional syllabus is based on a function. Richards (2006: 11-12) depicted that a
                        ―functional  syllabus  in  CLT is  organized according to  the functions  the learner

                        should  be  able  to  carry  out  in  English,  such  as  expression  likes  and  dislikes,
                        offering and accepting apologies, introducing someone, and giving explanations.‖

                        The  syllabus  of  CLT,  the  communicative  competence  is  viewed  as  mastery  of
                        functions needed for communication across a wide range of situations.

                               Other syllabus types are also proposed in CLT perspective at this time. A

                        notional  syllabus  is  one  based  around  the  content  and  notions  a  learner  would
                        need  to  express,  and  a  task  syllabus  specifies  the  tasks  and  activities  students

                        should  carry  out  in  the  classroom  (Richards,  2006:  11).  It  is  soon  realized,

                        however,  that  a  syllabus  needs  to  identify  all  the  relevant  components  of  a
                        language, and the first widely adopted communicative syllabus developed within

                        the  framework  of  CLT  is  termed  threshold  level.  This  describes  the  level  of
                        proficiency  learners  need  to  attain  to  cross  the  threshold  and  begin  real

                        communication. The threshold syllabus hence specifies topics, functions, notions,
                        situations, as well as grammar and vocabulary.

                        d.  The Communicative Activities in CLT

                               In  the  contemporary  age  of  high  professional  requirements  such  as
                        excellent communicative skills, the need for successful learning of communicative

                        skills  of  English  language  suggests  communicative  ability  to  be  the  goal  of
                        language  teaching.  In  other  words,  to  teach  English  language  using

                        communicative approach becomes essential. It is the same as what Jabeen (2014:
                        01) conducted a research about the implementation of communicative approach.

                        Many  teachers  in  their  classroom  activities  or  behaviors  indicate  that  the

                        implementation  of  communicative  approach  in  the  classroom  is  rare.  Although
                        teachers claim to be following a communicative approach, in practice the teachers

                        seem to be following traditional approaches.

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