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means  a willingness  to  relativise one's own values,  beliefs  and behaviours,
                            not to assume that they are the only possible and naturally correct ones, and to

                            be able to see how they might look from an outsider's perspective that has a
                            different set of values, beliefs and behaviours. This can be called the ability to

                            'decentre' (Byram, 1997).

                        3)  Skills of Interpreting and Relating
                                   No teacher  can have or  anticipate all the knowledge which learners

                            might at some point need. Indeed many teachers have not had the opportunity
                            themselves to experience all or any of the cultures which their learners might

                            encounter, but this is not crucial. The teacher's task is to develop attitudes and
                            skills  as  much  as  knowledge,  and  teachers  can  acquire  information  about

                            other countries together with their learners; they do not need to be the sole or

                            major  source  of  information.  Skills  are  just  as  important  as  attitudes  and
                            knowledge,  and  teachers  can  concentrate  as  much  on  skills  as  upon


                                   Intercultural speakers can see how people might misunderstand what
                            is  said  or written or done by someone with  a different  social  identity. The

                            skills of comparison, of interpreting and relating, are therefore crucial. Skills
                            of  interpreting  and  relating  mean  ability  to  identify  and  explain  cultural

                            perspective  and  mediate  between  and  function  in  new  cultural  context
                            (Byram, 1997). Because intercultural speakers/mediators need to be able to

                            see how misunderstandings can arise, and how they might be able to resolve

                            them, they need the attitudes of decentring but also the skills of comparing.
                        4)  Skills of Discovery & Interaction

                                   Skills of discovery and interaction are related to the ability to acquire
                            new knowledge of a culture and cultural practice and the ability to operate

                            knowledge,  attitude,  and  skills  under  the  constraints  of  real  time
                            communication.  Cultural  knowledge  can  be  gained  from  reading  text  in

                            cultural  texts  and  cultural  practice  can  only  gained  in  context.  Building

                            knowledge through cultural text is discovery process and communicating in
                            foreign  context  is  an  interaction  process.  Because  neither  intercultural

                            speakers  nor  their  teachers  can  anticipate  all  their  knowledge  needs,  it  is

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