Page 14 - -Modul-Kelas-Xi-Bahasa-Inggris new 2024
P. 14

1.  What is the social function of Passive Voice ?
                   2.  What is the generic Structure of Passive Voice?
                   3.  What is The Language Features of Passive Voice?

                   Write down the result of your discussion and if there are things that are still
                   doubtful, please consult with your teacher.

                                                DISSCUSSION RESULT
                 NO                 PROBLEMS                                   SOLUTION


                         You are expected to be able to practice a conscientious, careful,
                         disciplined, caring attitude, and can work together to identify the
                         Passive Voice.

               LET’S TRY

               Work Sheet 1

               Identify the social function, Generic Structure, and Lannguage Features
               of Passive Voice
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