Page 45 - Voice policy H2 2020
P. 45

RFP Process : Actors and contributors are identified beyond a SPOC
      SPOC           Strategy                                           Sales                                      Account
                     Timeline and                                   AM (Customer)                                 Managers
                       resources are
          Contributors                                                                                                           Hubbing BSM
                                                  Customer               SPOC                                                   Specific Routing
                                                  Requestor          DM Identified as
   SPOC : A DM                                                           SPOC
    Key roles :                                                                                                                  Technical
         –  representing the DM side                                                                                               Services
         –  building strategy / AM owner                                             Short List          DM
         –  responsible for the final offer                                         Destinations                                Specific Routing
                                                                                                      Short List
    Why ?                                                                                           Destinations                 Feasibility
         –  transversal area overview
         –  IC strategy holder
         –  able to arbitrate

   Contributors                                                                                                         
    Hubbing BSM                                  Requirements           RFP              Work File       Offer Definition      RFP final
         –  responsible for specific routing validation               customization      Initialization                         response
         –  validation of non standard offers
         –  contact with the Technical team
         –  responsible for specific routing study
         –  Implementation & delay               Example of RFP Managed on June
    Account Managers (AMs)                      Free RFP – 3 months Q3 2020
         –  negotiate with providers
         –  support DM in purchase strategy
                                                  Results : 382K€ /Quarter - (20% of RFP revenue won) – 27 destinations
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