Page 14 - Marketing Voice Policy H2 2020
P. 14
What How
Origin Based Rating, for voice termination, takes into
account both the origination and termination of a call 1. Input from provider (email or PL –price list)
when billing. The terminating network (usually 2. Sales take information and communicate with DMs
mobile) will apply a surcharge to the mobile 3. Analysis of PL received is done by AM (needed for buckets in EZ Report) + OBR Committee*
termination rates (MTRs) based on the country of the 4. DMs are responsible to define the Sell Zoning + AM are contributors + AFA is contributing
call’s origin. Currently networks in over 20 countries
(including many EU) have began charging OBR. This 5. C2SO (Bilat.) is responsible to configure the contracts for providers : simplification of zoning to
list of countries is growing almost monthly. optimize the system (data quality management)
The OBR Committee is a committee of experts from 6. DMs are responsible to inform AM Excel file already created
different operational teams. Marketing Voice Product, 7. AFA is responsible to configure 2RT (Origin Set)
Destination Managers, CSA, MOA, Legal and AFA 8. AFA is responsible to inform ZReport
are organizing meetings in order to review together 9. EZReport is responsible to change configuration in EZReport https://ic-
the latest OBR subject and operational decision to 10. AFA + 2RT Trading are responsible to inform DMs and AMs for the end on configuration orange.shp.sales.intraorange/mkg/voice.mkt/hubbing/obr/pre
be taken. 11/12 DMs are responsible to manage the pricing s/Pages/default.aspx
New selling and buying zone, lack in our information
system or review of customers will to be part of our DMs and AMs work on EP and deal update
OBR system are different examples of subjects that 13/14 AMs are responsible to send PL
can be adressed during the OBR. DMs are responsible to manage routing if necessary (change of zoning)
OBR management drives profitability
When Being able to purchase destinations that are origin-based invoicing Countries https://ic-
Twice a month before committee, any new official at the correct price, in order to answer the needs of our retail, orange.shp.sales.intraorange/mkg/voice.mkt/hubbing/obr/pre
affiliates and other customers
information regarding OBR should be communicated by Being able to resell OBR destinations, maintaining our margin and
AM asap to the concerned DM, and to Voice Product in avoiding to be out of the market
order to organize the “OBR committee” to define the To ensure a good valorisation and invoicing from our suppliers Customers
strategy and the actions to be implemented (routing To ensure correct accounting provision https://www.capacit
destinations, OUT settlement destinations and purchase To stay leader on the market by avoiding to send the traffic to
via 3rd party carriers). carriers that can manage OBR invoicing
9 Interne Orange All affiliates must be in the OBR price list if they can accept the External info
format based-rating-data-