Page 18 - Marketing Voice Policy H2 2020
P. 18

OSM Swing

          What                                                     I  Who                                Benefits

       Technical solutions that allow us to bypass the standard routing rules,
       Ie. for a given customer the traffic is re-directed on another table than   It can be done for 1 customer,   OSM Swing bypass the routing rules in order to
       the standard one, with a specific routing put in place.    towards:                          answer to a customer need and it helps us to
       (for  example  “Essential  to  silver  table”  instead  of  “Essential  to  gold   •  1 or several splits if the NP   generate revenues and margin that we could not
       table” for example)                                         (numbering plan) is stable       have with our actual product policy.
                                                                 •  1 or several countries (if the
       Commercialized  via  hubbing  price  list  therefore  the  selling  must  be   number is reasonable)
       adapted accordingly by the AM.

                                                                  Steady traffic and minimum
                                                                   duration of 3 months.
            How                                                   Must generate revenue and
                                                                   frozen margin.
         Fill in the Excel form available on the portal and send it to the    Only towards stable number
         concerned DM.                                             plan, or towards a full country.
         Validation from the DM.
         Validation from the Voice Product   GO, or NO GO.
         If GO, planification of the OSM with OINIS by Voice Product +
         communication to all teams involved by Voice Product.
       •  Follow-up of the OSM (whether its working or not).

       You can find the form to fill here:                                                          No OSM will be made to avoid a shortfall with a
                         Technical OSM Form

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