Page 19 - Marketing Voice Policy H2 2020
P. 19
OSM Hard Coded
What Who Benefits
Technical solutions that allow us to bypass the standard routing rules. It can be done for 1 customer, OSM Hard Coded helps us to consider and win
Ie. For a given customer, a specific routing towards a supplier is put in towards: business opportunities that disrupt the market
place outside the standard routing tables . • 1 or several splits if the NP is addressed with our current table by creating a
(No dedicated trunk for the provider) stable dedicated routing between a customer and a supplier.
• 1 or several countries (if the
number is reasonable)
Commercialized via hubbing price list therefore the selling must
adapted accordingly by the AM. Must generate revenue and real
Only towards stable NP, or
towards a full country.
Between IP customer and
suppliers only.
How This type of OSM is only used for
exceptional situations, knowing
that all our customers’ needs must
Fill in the Excel form available on the portal and send it to the be answered with our standard
concerned DM.
Validation from the DM. routing tables.
Validation from the Voice Product GO, or NO GO.
If GO, planification of the OSM with OINIS by Voice Product +
communication to all teams involved by Voice Product.
• Follow-up of the OSM (whether its working or not).
You can find the form to fill here: No OSM will be made to avoid a shortfall with a
Technical OSM Form
Interne Orange