Page 16 - Marketing Voice Policy H2 2020
P. 16

Both sales and purchase of OBR can be with a detailed pricing or a flat rate

                                   Sales                                                            Purchase

                       Bilateral             Hubbing                                        Bilateral             Hubbing
                        mode                  mode                                           mode                  mode

                                       OBR      OBR destinations,
                                    destinations,   rate, origins and
                                     rate, origins   number plan
                     OBR destinations,   and defined   defined in the PL                  OBR destinations,
                     rate, origins and                                                    rate, origins and   OBR         NO
                                       in the
                    number plan defined   contract                                       number plan defined   Price List   OBR Price List
                      in the contract                                                      in the contract
                                    number plan
                                    defined in the
        OBR with                                                             OBR with
       detailed costs                                                       detailed costs
        per origins       √             √            √                       per origins       √             √             X
         (several                                                             (several
         costs)                                                               costs)
       OBR with 1                                                           OBR with 1
        cost for all                                                         cost for all
       origins (flat)     √             √            √                      origins (flat)     √             √             √

      *Bilateral mode : The numbering plan of the destination and the rate per origins are in the contract
           Interne Orange
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