Page 20 - Marketing Voice Policy H2 2020
P. 20

Financial OSM

          What                                                        Who                                Benefits

                                                                 1) When a specific cost is negotiated with   Financial OSM helps us to follow the figures in the
       A financial OSM is a set up in our IS made by the AFA and SCA teams.   the supplier for a specific customer. The   system for specific offers between a customer and a
       It allows to apply a different cost for 1 or several customers when the   financial OSM will display the right cost for   supplier.
       traffic  goes  to  the  same  unique  provider.  (same  supplier  technical   the concerned customers.
                                                                 2) Attribution of the cost of the « Level 2
                                                                 stage » to your customer, on destinations
       All financial OSM are identified in WII under the “YYOSM2” route class   where there is a specific cost given by the
                                                                 supplier depending on the amount of traffic
                                                                 sent. (ex : Cameroon –mob Orange)

                                                                 3) When a specific level of netcost is given
                                                                 to a customer. A « financial OSM with
                                                                 netcost  » can be implemented. (the
                                                                 operational netcost will have to be updated
           How                                                   by the DM)

                                                                 Commercialized via hubbing price list.
         Fill in the Excel form available on the portal and send it to the
         concerned DM.                                             Must generate revenue and frozen
         Validation from the DM  GO, or NO GO.                    margin
         Planned with AFA and SCA by DM + communication of        No retroactivity regarding the
         implementation date to all teams involved by the DM.       implementation of the financial OSM
         Follow-up from AM and DM of the OSM.                     A minimum of 2 days prior notice is
                                                                   The cost of the financial OSM is applied
       You can find the form to fill here:                          for all the IN trunks that have the same
                                                                    IN quality
                         Financial OSM Form                        Hubbing AEP with a contract are   A financial OSM cannot be implemented on an OBR
                                                                                                    destination. When a financial OSM is not needed
                                                                    possible, but GA with softnetcost are   anymore, inform Voice Product, DM, AFA and SCA to
                                                                                                    prepare the deactivation
           Interne Orange
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