Page 252 - Medicinal Chemistry Self Assessment
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Index      241

                 Methylation, 70, 197             Phenol, 185                      Serotonin receptor modulator, 31, 137
                 Mevalonic acid, 74, 207-208      Phenylalanine, 88, 228           Serotonin reuptake transporter (SERT), 51,
                 Montelukast, 69-70, 193-198      Phenytoin functional groups, 3, 37  169
                 Morphine, 23, 123                Phosphate salt, 84, 224          Serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors
                                                                                      (SSRI), 51, 169
                                                  pK , 71, 201
                 N                                   range, 6, 31, 73, 75-76, 91, 101-102,   Shitaki mushrooms, 20, 116
                 N-acetylsialic acid, 91-92, 234-235  137, 206-207, 211-212, 233   Short-acting agent, 71, 200
                 Natamycin, 12, 106-107              values, 42, 69, 154-155, 193, 194-195  Sitagliptin, 83-85, 223-226
                                                                                   Sodium salt(s), 70, 71, 195, 200
                 N-dealkylated monoethylglycinexylidide,   Plasma pH, 11, 14, 105, 109
                    67, 192                       Plasma protein binding, 30, 32, 41-42, 70,   Solubility, 13-15, 109-112
                 Neostigmine bromide, 81, 219-220    84, 134-135, 139, 153, 197, 225  Sorafenib, 87-89, 227-231
                 Nerolidol, 19, 115               Potassium salt, 13-14, 109       Sorbinil, 7-8, 99, 101, 102
                 Neuraminidase, 91, 234-235       Pravastatin, 9, 73-74, 103, 205-209  Stereochemistry, drug action and, 21-22,
                 Nifedipine, 21, 117-119          Primarily ionized, 11, 105-106   Steroid-based hormone, 62, 185
                 Nilotinib, 88-89, 229, 231       Primarily unionized, 11, 105-106
                 Nitrofurantoin, 11, 105-106      Primary amine, 185               Stomach pH, 11, 14, 105, 109
                                                                                   Sulfamethoxazole, 4, 96
                 Nonelectrolyte, 9, 103           Prodrug(s), 44, 48, 60, 76, 161-162, 174,
                                                     180-181, 212                  Sulfate conjugation, 23, 56, 123, 176
                 Non-hydrolyzable hydroethylene, 30, 134
                 Non-peptidomimetic prodrug, 44, 161  Protein tyrosine kinases, 87-89, 227-231  Sulfonamide, 194
                                                  Pyridyl nitrogen, 89, 230        Sulfonylureas, 41-42, 153-157
                 Norepinephrine reuptake, 24, 125
                 Nucleophilic side chain, 38, 147  Q                               T
                 O                                Quinapril, 75-78, 211-215        Taste receptors, 20, 116
                                                  Quinaprilat, 76-77, 212-213      Tetracycline, 13-14, 109
                 Odorant molecules, 19, 115
                                                                                   Tetrapeptide side chains, 5, 98
                 Oral anticoagulant, experimental, 7-8, 99,   R
                    101, 102                                                       Thrombin active site, 43, 159
                 Oral bioavailability, 52, 171    R-A double bond reduction, 58, 179  Thrombin inhibitor, 43, 159
                 Oseltamivir, 91-92, 233-237      Ranitidine, 12, 108              Thyroglobulin molecules, 61, 183
                 Oxidative N-dealkylation, 56, 142, 176  Reactions, 58-59, 179     Tocainide, 67, 192
                 Oxidative O-dealkylation, 48-49, 70, 92,   Reduction, 56, 176     Tolbutamide, 32, 41, 139, 153-156
                    168, 198, 236, 237            R-enantiomer, 62, 84, 184, 224-225  Tolterodine, 18, 114-115
                 Oxidative transformation, 28-29, 132-133  Renin, 30, 134          Tolycaine, 67, 192
                 Oxybutynin, 18, 114-115          Resonance, 4, 55, 79, 96, 217    Tosylate salt, 89, 231
                                                  Ring A ketone reduction, 58, 179  Transformations, 58-59, 179
                 P                                Rivastigmine, 79-81, 217-221     Tricyclic antidepressant, 24, 124

                 Passive diffusion, 89, 231       Routes of administration, biological targets   Tri-iodo-L-thyronine (T ), 61, 63, 183, 185
                 Penicillins, 38, 147                and, 14-15, 109-110           Tyrosine, 98
                 Peptide cleavage, 76, 213        Rule of Nines, 12, 69, 106, 194  Tyrosine kinase inhibitor, 87-89, 227-231
                 Peptide-based hormone, 62, 185   S
                 pH/pK , 11-12, 105-106                                            U
                 Phase I transformation, 23-24, 33, 37,   Salmeterol functional groups, 3, 37  Umami receptor, 20, 116
                    40, 48, 53, 56, 66-67, 70, 72, 85, 92,   Salts, 13-15, 109-112  Unionized, 31, 36, 55, 69, 71, 75-76, 91, 137,
                    123-125, 141-142, 146, 150-151,   Scents, 19, 115                 145, 174, 193-194, 201, 211-212, 233
                    167-168, 172, 175-176, 191-192,   Sclareol, 19, 115            Urinary pH, 11, 105
                    197-198, 202, 226, 236-237
                                                  Scopolamine, 14, 109-110
                 Phase II transformation, 23, 33, 37, 40, 48,                      V
                    56, 70, 72, 92, 123, 125, 141, 146,   Secobarbital, 71, 199-200, 201
                    151, 167-168, 175, 197, 202, 236-237     metabolite, 72, 202-203  Valine, 87, 98, 227
                 Phenobarbital, 71-72, 199-203    S-enantiomer, 62, 184            Van der Waals, 19, 87, 114-115, 140, 196,
                    metabolite, 72, 202-203       Serine, 79, 80, 218-219             202-203, 227
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