Page 74 - Reflections of you 8-12
P. 74
What is happiness?
While I agree that money won’t be able to buy happiness, today’s society and world had ensured that a stable
source of income would be a vital part of having a stress-free and peaceful life.
The definition of happiness differentiates from person to person as their idea of what would make the
individual happy varies with their opinion and experience in life. In my opinion, happiness is achieved when a
person has everything that is essential for their survival and is able to seek out and find what they desire,
something that brings them joy, and still have room for more. The concept of happiness is hard to grasp as
someone’s life is always on the move on a fluctuating curve with no set equation.
One of the most common answers to what makes a happy life is a safe and sound environment to live in as
it is the first thing we look for, even if it was temporary, for survival. Only after that, our minds would be able to
relax and gradually shift to other pressing matters such as food and water. In the modern world city, people would
have to work to find those and keep themselves healthy.
Survival aside, every experience one had gained in life is unique to the person and could not be repeated in
others the exactly the same way and as such, people’s desire is entirely unique to their own opinion and needs.
That is the reason that makes happiness such a broad subject. Finding happiness could include more than one
condition to fulfill for each individual.
When the conditions the individual had put out for their own satisfaction is met, happiness would seem
within reach and more often than not, people tend to think that it would be easy to get there and maintain it. All
the people have set their long-term goal as happiness and everything takes hard work. It would be a test of will
and drive to make the feeling of joy last through the onslaught of obstacles fate throws at people. It’s good thing
humans are great at adaptation and functioning under pressure.
Money can’t buy happiness because there are subjects that could not be measured in currencies. For
example, love and family can’t be bought with it and they are one of the conditions that people tend to put out. It
may be essential nowadays but it doesn’t mean that money would be able to buy everything.
Happiness gets a new meaning with every person born and achieving it might be difficult but it is worth the