Page 76 - Reflections of you 8-12
P. 76
Dear 27-year old self,
It is funny how you found this book and ended up reading a letter from your young and “dumb” self. In your first
semester of senior year, you were asked to write an essay choosing from three topics, and I have decided to write a
letter to myself 10 years from now, which is the present you. If you are reading this, I am delighted that you kept this
book, and I hope you enjoy reading what 17-year-old Badma thinks about you.
As I sit in front of my desktop, millions of thoughts and questions are swirling in my mind. I had written a few letters to
the ones I love to express my appreciation and feelings for them, but I had never written something to myself, and I
guess this is my first time discussing me with myself through a letter.
I have too many things to say and too many things to ask. Currently, I’m giving my AS level exams, and as soon as
they are done, my college application process will begin. There are so many things to do that I have in mind, and I
hope I will achieve them all. My current goal is to be accepted to the schools that I will apply to and receive a good
scholarship. If you did it, I am so proud of you, Badma! I cannot wait to feel that adrenalin rush and tears of happiness
when I receive my acceptance letter as you did.
Things haven’t been very good lately, but I’m still hanging on. I got my heart broken by a person I loved
unconditionally and trusted with my everything. I lost my best friend, whom I thought we would last for eternity. But
hey, look on the bright side, at least I understood how people could change in a heartbeat, and not everything will
end up as I imagined. Honestly, I’m kind of grateful that these things happened because if it weren’t like this, I would
be just where I used to be.
Anyways, I hope YOU are happy. I hope you don’t still overthink small things. I hope you love yourself more than you
love others. I hope you spend more time with your family. I hope you are healthy. I hope you are doing the thing you
like. I hope you are satisfied with what you have. I hope you have found a good person who loves you just the way
you are.
And I hope you know your worth and never let anyone underestimate it.
As you read this, 17-year-old Badma would no longer exist, but she will always be with you and will always support
you until the day you leave this planet. No one can save you as much as you can save yourself. So, my dearest 27-
year-old self,
I love you always and forever.
Yours sincerely,
17-year-old you Badamkhand