Page 330 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 330
The Story of the C.W.S.
one hand, and, upon the other, the jewellery and similarly fine
sections of the furnishing warehouses. And it is to be remembered
that in reaching out to include the endless details of modern trade,
the Wliolesale Society itseK has remained confined to the co-operative
market and the co-operative demand, while m competition with those
who may take their chance of supplying the whole world. These
departments of " dry goods," therefore, have had to contend with
disabilities hardly affecting the steadier and surer grocery trade.
In the case of the latter, the co-operative system of demand preceding
supply has made for economy. It makes for economy, also, in the
selling of plain drapery. But as trade extends from this point
other factors come more into play. Production becomes more
speculative. It must reckon with times and with seasons. Fashions
begin startHngly to affect values. The absence (as yet) of a strong
co-operative demand from overseas prevents a balancing of a home
trade by a foreign or colonial business. The fact of the support
being almost entirely from the working class excludes all possibihty
of offering, say, in the weU-to-do suburbs of the metropohs what is
not suitable for industrial districts, and vice versa. In the furniture
trade the costs of carriage mihtate against supplymg all districts
from one central factory, producing largely and therefore cheaply;
whilst a relatively lower spending power in all the southern area of
tiie country affords little inducement for a London or Bristol district
factory. And the dependence upon workers who in seasons of slack
trade and unemployment must cut down their purchases of furniture
or new clothing (while other classes continue to spend money
unconcerned) means that the departments can make their hay only
while the sunshine is fairly briUiant.
In these branches of its business, the C.W.S. , especially since the
days of tentative dealings, has experienced comparatively Little
difficulty with manufacturers. Articles of drapery do not easily
lend themselves to proprietary trading, fixed prices, and direct
advertising; neither do a thousand and one things of utility which
come under the heading of household or personal furniture. "V^Tiat-
ever patented and regulated productions there are fall mainly within
the latter class. In regard to these the C.W.S. is sometimes put in
a difficult position. Some labour-saving or improved device is
patented and advertised at a fixed price. The latter is usually all
too generous to the retailer and maker. As the consumers' instru-
ment the C.W.S. must give the consumer any rehef that may be
obtainable, and if a cheaper but possible infringing article finds its