Page 542 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 542
Brodrick, T., 123, 200, 345 Clay, Joseph, 89, 123, 145
BroomhaU's Corn Trade yews, 52 Clothing Factories, see Broughton, Leeds,
Brougham, Lord, 38 and Pelaw
Broughton Works, 261 Coal Mining Society, United, 107, 109
— Cabinet, 262, 263 — Federation, West Yorkshire, 139
— Mantles, 268, 269 — Trade, 108, 138
— Shii-t, 267, 268 Cobden, R., 25
— TaUoring, 263-6 Cockshaw, William, 18
— Underclothing, 268 Cocoa Works, see Luton
Brown, W. H., 149 Collectivism, 81, 181, 187
Brownfleld Pottery, 163, 164 Collieries, 51, 107-10, 138-42
Brush Factory, see Leeds Colne Vale Flour Mill, 236
Bucket;;and Fender (Works, see Dudley " Coming of Age," 121-3
Buckle, H. T., 50 — Newcastle, 122, 193
Bugle Horn CoUiery, 107, 109, 110, 141 — London, 194
Building Departn;ent, 45, 153 Committee, C.W.S., 35, 37, 93, 95, 115,
Bunton, William, 74 116, 155-7
Biu-slem Society, 163 Committees, Branch and General, C.W.S.,
Burt, Rt. Hon. T., M.P., 53, 57, 159 61, 62, 93
Bm-ton Latimer Society, 328 Compstall Society, 63
Bury, Conferences at, 13, 65 Conferences (Formation of C.W.S.), 13, 14,
— Society, 218 21-3, 25, 27, 29
— Weaving Shed, 270, 351 — Banking, 65
Butcher, John, 15, 16, 75, 77, 119, 170, — Coal, 138
172, 276, 284 — Constitution, 318, 319
Butter Depots and Trade, 36, 44, 48, 95, — Creameries, 304
96, 98, 192, 295, 296, 306 — Fees and Fares, 156
Buyers, Societies' and C.W.S., 34, 39, 40, — Flour, 235
41, 74 — Insurance, 332, 336
Byron. Lady, 6, 7 — Western, 143-5, 149
Congresses, Co-operative, 6, 7, 48, 66, 67,
C.W.S., see Chronological Table, &c. 70, 85, 94, 184, 185, 329, 342
Cabinet Factories, see Broughton and Constantine, S.S., 98
Pelaw Constitution, Conferences, 318, 319
Cambrian, S.S., 129 — Report of Special Committee on, 319-
Caminada, J., 23 21
Capital and Labour, Antagonism, 81 Cons\mier, The, and Co-operation, 8, 81,
Cardiff Times, 148 111, 142, 164, 167, 181, 183, 187, 238,
Cardifl, Port of, 149 291, 299, 301, 310, 313, 346, 361
— Depot, 148 18, 21-3, 27, 28, 31,
Cooper, William, 15,
— Old Town HaU, 149, 150 32, 47, 126, 151, 332, 333
Carlisle Society, 227 Co-operation and the Labour Movement,
Carr, Thomas (Consett), 59 290-2
Carriage on Goods, 215 — in the Sixties, 50
Castlemahon Creamery, 297 — in the Seventies, 50, 51, 53-5, 71, 111
Cattle Breeding, 214, 307, 308 — in the South, 89-91
— Dealmg, 48, 307, 308 — Theory of, 8, 55, 81, 82, 110-12, 180-3,
Central Board, see Co-operative Union 187, 291, 313, 364, 365
— Co-operative Agency, 11, 12. 86, 88 Co-operative Exhibitions, 7, 221, 310-12
Ceylon, Tea Estates in, 218, 219 — Insurance Society, 32, 44, 333 et seq.
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, 53, 295 — Printing Society, 189
Charitable Grants and Donations, 116, — Sundi'ies Society, 169
122, 168, 212, 222 — Union, 68, 69, 168, 228, 229, 295, 311,
Chartism, 8 316, 328, 359
Cheese Factories, American, 179 Co-operative Movement in Great Britain, 188
Cheetham, Thomas, 22, 26, 29, 31, 32 — Neivs, 6, 11, 44, 67, 68, 72, 87, 94, 95,
Chelmsford Society, 42 97, 100, 104, 110, 128, 129, 140, 143,
Cheltenham Society, 15 144, 158, 164, 166, 171, 172, 183, 185,
Chestcr-lc-Street Society, 78 206, 209, 214, 215, 217, 218, 236, 272,
Chipping Norton Society, 90 280, 286, 318, 335, 338, 339, 361, 371
Christian Socialist, 13 — Production, 107, 175, 223, 271, 288
Christian SocialLsts, 10, 11, 124,' 181 Co-operator, Lancashire and Yorkshire, 3
Civil Service Stores, 43 — No. 1 (Lifeboat), 122