Page 543 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 543

INDEX.                   3
    Co-operator, The, 12,  17,  18,  23, 30,  33,  Dunston Soap Works, 243, 244
       34, 36, 46, 57, 64, 65,  84, 126, 127,  Diu-ham Society, 59
       308, 331, 332               — Soap Works, 78, 79, 170, 239-41
    Copartnership, 79 et seq., 104, 183, 311  Dyson, James, 19, 22. 31, 333
    Copenhagen Depot, 118
    Cork Depot, 96, 102            Eccles Society, 100, 217
    Corset P^actory, see Desborough  Eccleshill Colliery, The, 107, 109
    Cowen, J., 57, 58              Echo, London, 319
    Cleator Moor Society, 227      Economics, Reviews and Discussions,  8,
    Crabtree, James, 38, 48, 61, 65, 66, 68, 69,  50, 51, 81, 110, 111, 124, 134, 181-3
       75, 77, 88, 93, 94, 116, 120, 123, 144  185, 291, 310, 313, 318, 358
    Cramlington Society, 41, 105, 252  Edwards, J. C, 19, 22, 31, 32, 77
    Creameries, Irish, 297 ei seq.  Ellis, J. (Leicester), 54
    — English, 305                 Employees' Benevolent Fund, 309
    Credit System, 10, 35, 48      — Co-operative, Amalgamated Union of,
    Creighton, Bishop, 174             358, 364
    Crisis, The, 7, 8              — Housing of, 366
    Crockery Depot, see Longton    — Picnic, 370
    Crossley Sanatorium, 212       — Productive, Number of , 3 1
    Croucher, Joseph, 86           — Pm-chases, 82, 198
    CrumpsaU Works, 76, 169, 170, 209  — Sick and Burial Club, 368
    Crystal Palace Festival, 311   — Superannuation, 353, 354
    Cmrying, Leather, 174-5        — Thrift Fund, 355-7
    Cwmbach Society, 143           — Trade Unionism, 365
                                   — Wages and Conditions, 52, 77, 78, 81,
    Dadley, E., 170                    101, 136, 164, 172-4, 184, 191. 210,
    Dafyd-ap-Gwyllym, 148              218, 233, 238, 244, 261, 263, 265-7
    Daily Chronicle, 311               274, 278, 279, 281, 282, 286, 349-52,
    — Mail Year Book, 357              358, 364
    — News, 311                    — Women, 359
    — Telegraph, 42
                                   Enderby Society, 171
    Darweu Society, 109            — Boot Works, 171, 172, 284
    Davies, Miss Llewelyn, 362     Enfield Highway Society, 359, 361
    — C, 23                        Bngels, Frederick, 3 [footnote)
    Defoe, Daniel, 72              English Chronicle (1797), 223
    Denia Depot, 167               Equity, S.S., 131, 135, 165
    Depreciation, 37, 93, 197, 210  Estcourt, J. Southeron, 26, 28
    Deputations,  26,  87,  119,  156,  192, 193,  Ewart, W., 25
       244                         Exhibitions. Co-operative, 7, 221, 310-12
    Derwent Flour MUl Society, 227
    Desborough Corset Factory, 269  Facts of the Cotton Famine, 50
    — Society, 269                 Failsworth Society, 67, 135
    Devorport Coal Association, 126  Farmmg, C.W.S., 209-14, 307, 308
    Dewsbury Congress, 184         FederaUsm, Co-operative,  13,  14, 55, 71,
    — Society, 100, 220                182
    Dinmg-rooms, 116, 351, 352     Federation, S.S., 131, 132
    Discount System Abolished, 38  Fees and Fares, Committees', 116, 155, 156
    Dividend on  Retail  Piu'chases,  9,  256,  206
        317, 318                   Felhnongering Works, see Pontefract
    — C.W.S., 32, 48, 198, 317     Fenwick, C, M.P., 159
    Divisional Meetings, 47, 156   Fielding, — . (Middleton), 20
    Donations, Charitable, 116, 122, 168, 212, — C, 121
       222                         Fu-e Brigade, C.W.S., 371
    Dover, George, 59, 61          Fires at London, 121, 160
    Drapers' Trade Journal, 74     — at Newcastle, 160, 259
    Drapery Departments, C.W.S., 73, 80, 98  Flannel Mill, see Littleboro'
       et seq., 159, 183, 258-60, 299  FloTU", Adulteration of, 224
    Dried Fruit, 135, 164-8        — Milltng, 223 et seq.
    DromcoUogher Co-operative Dairy Factory — Mills, see Avonmouth, Dimston, SHver-
       Society, 297                    to%vn. Star, and Sim
    Drug Works, see Pelaw          Foreign Trade, C.W.S., 191, 192, 329
    Dudley Bucket and Fender Works, 288  Fraser, Bishop, 124
    Dunston Flour Mill, 229-31     Fraternity, S.S., 135
      EE                         433
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