Page 547 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 547

    Pelaw Clothing Factory, 265    Report and Balance Sheet, 34
    — Drug Works, 255              Richards, T. F., 281, 282
    — Pi-mting Works, 191          Ripon, Marquis of, 54, 184
    — Works, Opening of, 255       Ripponden (Owenite) Society, 9
    Pendleton Society, 157, 362    — Rides, 92
    Penny, Jolin, 362, 363         Robertson, W., 98
    Penrhyn Quarries, 309          Rochdale Anti-C.W.S. Movement, 47
    Pension Tea, 216               — Conferences at, 14, 22, 26
    People's Bank, Mancliester, 328, 329  — Corn Mill, 10, 23, 24, 224, 236
    — Co-operative Society (London), 195  — Pamt Works, 236
    Pepper Grinding Factory, 179   — Pioneers, 9, 14, 181, 258, 269
    Percival, J. M., 199           — Pioneers' Society,  14,  18, 34, 35, 39
    Perry, S. F., 362, 363, 365       43, 94, 106, 126, 224, 333
    Pingstone, H. C, 236           — Pioneers' History, 24, 224
    Pioneers, Characteristics of the, 23, 24  Roden Convalescent Home, 211
    — C.W.S., Names of, 22         — Estate, 209
    — Rochdale, 9, 181, 258-9      — Farm, 210
    Pioneer, S.S., 102, 105, 110, 128, 129, 132,  Roden Guide, 212
       134-6                       Roe Green Society, 39
    Pitman, Henry, 19, 28, 36, 56, 75  Rouen Shipping Service, 134, 135
    Pittington Society (Diii'ham), 312  Rowsel], R., 319
    Plover, S.S., 127, 128         Rule, T., 115
    Plunkett, Su- Horace, 297-300, 303, 304,  Rules, C.W.S., 31, 37, 49, 61, 71, 73, 92,
       311                            156, 205, 206, 210, 215, 342
    Plymouth Society, 143, 145     Rushden Boot Factory, 277, 278, 351
    PoUitt, J., 140                Rutherford, Dr., 60, 61, 66-9, 75, 79, 103
    Pontefract Works, 308
    Portman, Lord, 26, 28
                                   St. Columba, S.S., Wreck of, 97
    Potter, Beatrice (Mrs. Sidney Webb), 188
                                   Saleroom, Birmingham, 153
    Potteries, The, 163
                                   — Blackburn, 153
    Pottery, Brownfleld Guild, 163
                                   — Huddersfleld, 152
   — Longton Depot, 162
                                   — Leeds, 118, 152
    Poimd, James, 126
                                   — Nottingham, 153
    Pratt, Hodgson, 90
                                   Salford, Borough of, 262
   — J. Tidd, 31
                                   Salkeld, J. H., 30
    Prentis, J. T., 18 (footnote)
                                   Scottish C.W.S., 37, 78, 96, 99,  117, 119,
   Prince of Wales (Edward VII.), 54, 117
                                      121, 164, 171, 179, 205, 215, 289, 290,
   Printing Works, see Longsight and Pelaw
                                      296, 304, 342
   Production, Old Order of Theory of, 8, 72,
                                   Scotton, Amos, 138, 157
                                   Seebohm's Tribal Systems of Wales, 147
   Productive Societies, C.W.S. and, 182, 310,  Share Capital, C.W.S., 92, 93, 157, 327
                                   Sheerness Society, 9
   Profit, C.W.S. , AUocation of, 32, 92  Sheffield Shirt Factory, 268
   — Distributive, AUocation of, 9
                                  — (Trippet Lane) Society, 268
   — Sharing, 81. Ill, 112, 180, 183-7, 311
                                  SheUey, P. B., 4
   Progress, S.S.. 131
                                  ShdlUto, J., 49, 140, 141, 189, 190, 206, 211,
   Propaganda, Joint, 163 {footnote)  252, 265, 266, 273, 322, 334, 355
   Proprietary Articles Traders' Association,
                                  Ship Canal, Manchester, 117, 132-4, 237,
   Pmnphrey, Henry, 150, 178, 297
                                  Shipping, C.W.S., 102, 126 et seq.
   Punch, 242, 243                — Coastwise, 135
   Purchases, Retail, Dividend on,  9, 256,  — Dried Fruit, 135
      317. 318                    — Gars ton, 132 et seq.
                                  — Goole, 129 et seq.
   Queen Victoria, 117
                                  — Rate Wars, 130, 132
   RadclLffe Weaving Shed, 270    — Rmg, 129
   Railway Rates Department, 137  — Rouen, 134, 135
   Rates, Shipping, 127, 130      Shu-t Factories, see Broughton and Sheflaeld
   Rawtenstall Society, 109       Shotley Bridge Society, 59
   Reading Society, 18, 319, 320  Shotton, T., 318, 324
   — Jam Factory, 209             Shrewsbui-y Society, 212
   Redfearn, T., 141, 157, 196, 205, 210, 284,  Silvertown Productive Factory, 179, 308
      302, 309, 336, 355          — Flour Mill, 232
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