Page 548 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 548

       SUvertown Soap Works, 243      Tallow Factory, see Sydney
       Slaney, R. A.. M.P., 13, 25    Tanning, Leather, 174, 175
                                      Taylor, Prof. Sedley, 184
       Slatter, H., 189
                                      — Samuel, 199
       Smith, R., 337, 338
                                      Tea, Adulteration of, 120
       Smithies, James, 22, 26, 31, 32, 35, 47, 49,
                                      — Bonus and Present, 120, 215-8
          98, 333
                                      — Department, 113, 121, 160, 214
       Snowden, P., M.P., 357
                                      — Estates, 218, 219
       Soap Action, The, 246 et seq.
       — Works,  see Dunston, Durham, Irlam,  — Packers, C.W.S., Union of, 218
                                      — Pension, 216
          and Silvertown
       "Soap Trust," The, 242, 243    Telegraph, The Daily, 42
                                      Testimony of Buyers, 39, 40
       Socialism, Marxian, 181
       — Christian, 10, 11, 124       Thu-laway, John, 104, 110, 199
                                      Thoreau, H. D., 17
       Socialists, Christian, 10, 11, 181
       Social Science Association, 38  Thorpe, George, 139, 140
       — Science Association Congress, 42  Thrift Fund, Employees', 355-357
       Societies, Difficulties of, before C.W.S., 39  Times, The, 311
       — Boj'cotting of, 41-3         Ttnplate Works, see Birtley
                                      Tipperary Depot, 95
       — Existing Old, 9
       — Grants to, 38, 116           Tobacco Manufacture, Objections to, 75
       — IVIembership , Basis of Representation , 4 7 — Factory, 252-4
       — Supervision of, 151          Toynbee, Arnold, 55, 114
       Society  for  Promoting Working  Men's — HaU, 160
          Associations, 13, 14        Trade, C.W.S., Original Articles of, 32
                                      — Unionism, 53, 114
       Southern C.W.S.. A. 86
       Southey, Robert, 10            — Union Label, 365
       Sowerby Bridge Flour MUl, 236  — Unions in the Eighties, 114
       Spectator, The, 46, 186        — Unions and C.W.S. Bank, 326
                                      — Unions and Employees, 365
       Spencer, Earl, 54, 151
       Spoor, — . (South Shields). 58  Traffic Department, 142
       Spottiswood, T., 59            Trafford Wharf Bacon Factory, 307
       Spring Vale Colliery, The, 107, 109, 141  Tralee Dep6t, 95, 306
       Stansfield, J., 354            — Bacon Factory, 306
       Star Corn Mill, 225, 236-8     Travellers, Drapery, 99, 100
       Star, London, 239              Trevor, John, 200
       Starch Works, see Irlam        Tribal Systems of Wales, 147
       Stationery Department, 322     Truck Acts, The, 148, 365
       Stockport Great Moor Society, 9  Tutt, R. H., 115, 157, 220, 319
       Stokes, W. L., 95, 297, 299    TweddeU,  T..  157,  159,  228,  252,  256,
       Store Movement, The, 81, 111, 313  334-6, 339, 345, 355
       Stott, Samuel, 22, 23, 27, 31,^77  Twcedale, I., 134, 165, 167
       Strike, Avonmouth, 234, 235    Tyldesley, Joseph, 39
       — Broughton Cabinet, 263       Tj-ne Engine Works, 103, 105, 128
       — Broughton Tailoring, 265, 266
       — Heckmondwike, 119
                                      Underclothing Factory, see Broughton
       — Leicester, 172, 173, 281, 282
       — Ouseburn Works, 104          Union Land and Building Co., 107, 1 59, 190
                                      — Paper Works, 107 {footnote)
       — Tea Department, 218
                                      — of C.W.S. Tea Packers, 218
       Sugar Trade, 293
                                      United Board, see Co-operative Union
       — Convention, A Proposed, 294
                                      — Coal Mining Society, 107, 109
       Sim MiU, Oldham, 26
                                      — Employees' Association, 82
       — Mill, C.W.S., 237, 238
       Sunderland Society, 61, 337, 338  Unity, S.S., 130, 131, 136
                                      — II., S.S., 131
       Sundries Manufacturing Society, Droyls-
          den, 170                    Ups and Doirns : Life in Machine-making
       Swann, T, 115, 206             C'  Works, 24
       Sweating, Charges of, 136  {footnote), 164,
          218, 279                    Victoria, Queen, 117
       Sweated Trades, 261            Vinegar Brewery, 208
       Sweets,  see  Crumpsall and  Silvertown
       Sydney Tallow Factory, 244     Wages and Conditions of Labour—General,
       Syndicalism. 181                  2, 114, 188, 189,5315
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