Page 549 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 549


   Wages and Conditions of Labour, C.W.S.  Wholesale Merchants' Boycotting of
      Employees, 52, 77, 78, 81, 101, 136,  Societies, 41
      164, 172-4, 184, 191, 210, 218, 274, — Society, Co-operative, see Chronological
      278, 279, 282, 286, 349, 350-2, 358, 364  Table, &c.
   Wales, South, Co-operation in, 143, 147, 150 — Society, London Grocers', 44
   Wallsend Society, 59           — Society, Manchester Grocers', 44
   Warrington Society, 317, 339   — Society, Midland Counties', 15
   Waterford Depot, 95            — Society, Scottish, Founding of, 37
   Watson, Dr. Spence, 160, 193   — The Earliest, 7
   Watts, Dr. John, 50, 68, 98, 100, 104  — Trading by Retail Societies, 15
   Waugh, Edwin, 75               — Trading, London Merchants' Associa-
   Weaving Sheds, see Bui-y and RadclifCe  tion for, 87
   Webb, Catherine, 25            Whitfield Society, 57
   — Mrs. Sidney, 313             Wickham Market Society, 306
   — Sidney, 113                  Wilkins, Silvanus, 65, 66
   West Hartlepool Lard Refinery, 254  Williams, J. F., 345
  — Stanley Society, 197          Willson, Miss, 279
   — Yorkshire Coal Federation, 139  Wisbech Estate, 213
   WhaUey (Withgill) Farm, 214, 308  — Society, 90
   Wheat, Prices of, 52, 227      Women's  Co-operative  Guild,  114,  358
   Wheatsheaf, The, 217, 221, 253, 267-270,  et seq.
      308, 326, 351-3             — Trade Union League, 55
  Whiley, Henry, 75, 79, 80       Wood, Alfred, 344
  Whitehead. Joel, 74             — G. H., 114
  Whittle, R., 168                — T., 122, 339, 342, 345
  WTiolesale Agency, Proposals and Discus-  Woodin, Joseph, 11, 61, 120, 121
     sions, 28, 31                Woollen Mill, see Batley
  — A Rival, 36                   Wooknan, John, 55
  — A Southern, 86                Woolwich Royal Arsenal Society, 205, 359
  — Co-operation, The Orocer and, 43  Workers' Educational Association, 54, 369
  — Department, Rochdale  Society's,  14,  Workington Industrial Society, 302
     18                          Wright, Charles, 205
  — Dep6t at Huddersfleld, 18
  — Dep6t, Idea of a, 13
                                  Young, Geo. (Cheknsford), 40

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