Page 545 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 545

    Jones, Beo, 88, 107, 108, 145, 179, 195, 223  Liverpool Dep5t, 95, 97, 323
    — F. W., 85                    — Office, North of England C.W.S. , 31
    — Lloyd, 13, 34, 45, 61, 64, 114, 123, 358 — Society (1832), 5, 31
    Jumbo Co-operative Society, 20  — Society (Modern), 363
    — Hamlet of, 20                L'Humanite, 372
    — Lowbands Farm at, 19-21      Living, Cost of, 294, 295
    — Meetings at, 19-22           LleweUyn, W. (Sheffield), 312
                                   " Loan and Deposit Department," 70
    Kei?hley Ironworks, 288, 289   Lockhurst Lane Society, 9
    — Society, 289                 London Association for the Promotion of
    Kendal Society (1830), 3          Co-operation, 85
    Kershaw, J., 123               — Branch, 88, 90, 100, 101, 160-2, 194,
    Keyham Society, 126                259, 265
    Killon, T., 218                — Central Co-operative Agency, 86, 88
    Kilmallock Depot, 95           — Congress (1832), 7
    Kingsley, Charles, 10          — Co-operation in, 4, 83, 84, 90, 195
    Knott Mill, Manchester, Conference, 22  — Grocers' C.W.S., A, 44 (footnote)
                                   — Merchants' Association, 87
    Labour, Bonus to, 79-82, 183   — Productive Society, 177
    — and Capital, Antagonism, 81  Longsight Printing jWorks, 107  (footnote),
    — Exchanares, Owenite, 8          190, 191
    — Movement and Co-operation, 290-2  Longton Crockery Dep6t, 162, 163
                                   Lowbands Farm, Jumbo, 19-21
    Lancashire and Yorkshire Co-operator, 2
    Lancashire  and  Yorkshire  Productive  Lownds, J., 199
       Society. 115                Ludlow, J. M., 10, 13, 45, 63-5, 68, 88, 110,
    L. and Y. Railway Company, 131     112, 168, 316
    Lander, W., 235, 266, 279, 280, 285, 359,  Luton Cocoa Works, 178, 179
    Lxrd Works, see Irlam and West Hartle-  Macarthur, Miss M., 218
       pool                        Macclesfield Society, 197, 198, 319
    Lawrenson, Mrs. Mary, 114      Mc.Innes, D., 156
    Load Poisoning in the Potteries, C.W.S.  Mc.Pherson, J., 7 4
       and, 163                    Mc. Shane, John, 57
    Le Chevalier, 11               Main Coal and Cannel Co., The, 107, 109
    Leech, Sir Bosdin T., 133      Manchester, Balloon Street, 37, 38, 41, 45,
    Leeds Boot Factory, 285           99, 159, 259, 322
    — Brush and Mat Factory, "2 8  — Cannon Street, 36
    — Clothing Factory, 176, 353   — Clock Alley, 45, 159
    — Corn Mill, 224               — Cooper Street, 33
    — Saleroom, 118, 152           — Corporation Street, 45, 158, 322
    — Society, 39                  — Dantzic Street, 36
    — Woollen Manufacturing Company, 99  — Garden Street, 37, 45, 98
    Legislation, Co-operators and,  8, 22, 26  — and County Bank, 64
       66, 294, 295, 359           — and Liverpool Banking Co., 64
    Leicester, Borough of, 283     — City Corporation, 253
    — ]Boot Work?,  77,  78,  101,  102,  119, — City of, 262, 323
       170-2, 276, 281 et seq.     — Conference  on  C.W.S.  Constitution,
    — Congress, 70                    319
    — Co-operative  Hosiery  Manufacturing — Conference on Insurance, 332
       Society, 271                — Congress (1831), 6
    — Hosiery Factory, 272, 273    — Grocers' Wholesale Society, 44
    — Society, 106, 361            — and Salford Society, 23, 133, 205, 339,
    Lever Bros. v. the Masbro' Society, 246 et  356
                                   Manchester and Salford Society's Almanac
    Lever, S., 168                    23
    Liberty, S.S., 131             — City News, 133 (footnote), 134, 159
    Lifeboat, Co-operator No. 1, 122  — Guardian, 108, 307
   Life in Machine-making Works, 24  Manchester Ship Canal, 117, 132, 133, 307
    Limerick Depot, 95             — • Tenants Limited, 366
    Limerick Leader, 306           Manock, Mrs. (Rochdale), 19
    Litchfield, W., 224            Mansfield, C. B., 10
    Littleboro' Flannel Mill, 99, 270, 271  Mansion House Association, 137
    Liverpool Congress (1832), 7   Mantle Factory, see Broughton
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