Page 218 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 218
50. Were you able to choose the services that you get as part of your IPP?
□ 98. Not applicable – no IPP
□ 2. Yes
□ 3. Had some input
□ 1. No
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
51. If you want to change something about your services, do you know
whom to ask?
□ 2. Yes
□ 3. Maybe
□ 1. No
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
PS-6 52. Do you have staff who help you? (For example, at your home, job, or
day program?)
(Does_________________________________help you?)
□ 2. Yes
□ 1. No →Code 53-54 and CA-9 as ‘Not applicable’
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response →Code 53-54 and CA-9
as ‘Don’t know, no response, unclear response’
PS-6 53. Do your staff treat you with respect? (Do they listen and talk to you?)
(Does_________________________________treat you with respect?)
□ 98. Not applicable – doesn’t have staff
□ 2. Yes – all staff, always
□ 3. Sometimes or some staff
□ 1. No
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
CA-9. Do your staff support you in a way that is respectful to your culture?
□ 98. Not applicable – doesn’t have staff
□ 2. Yes – all staff, always
□ 3. Sometimes or some staff
□ 1. No
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
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