Page 219 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 219
54. Do your staff come and leave when they are supposed to? (Do they
PS-6 show up on time? Do they show up when they say they will? Do they
leave when they are supposed to?)
(Does_________________________________come and leave when they
are supposed to?)
□ 98. Not applicable – doesn’t have staff
□ 2. Yes
□ 3. Maybe, not sure
□ 1. No
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
Now I’m going to ask you a couple of questions about how you get around.
55. Do you have a way to get places you need to go (like work,
appointments, etc.)? (Can you get a ride when you need one?)
□ 2. Yes, almost always
□ 3. Sometimes
□ 1. No, almost never
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
56. Are you able to get places when you want to do something outside your
home, like going out to see friends, for entertainment, or to do
something fun? (Can you get a ride when you want one?)
□ 2. Yes, almost always
□ 3. Sometimes
□ 1. No, almost never
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
57. Are services and supports helping you to live a good life?
□ 2. Yes
□ 3. In between
□ 1. No
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
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