Page 247 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 247

2.  PROXY ALLOWED During COVID time, did any of these happen... (surveyor read list and
                    check all that apply)
                   Other respondent: During COVID time, did any of the following things happen to this person? Please
                   read response options about the experience of the person receiving services.
                   Respondent: (  ) 1-individual   (  ) 2-family/friend   (  ) 3-staff   (  ) 4-other

                    □  1. Did you (/this person) move, or change where you live?
                    □  2. (If you did not move) Were there changes in your (/this person’s) in-home supports?
                        For example, did you (/this person) get fewer or more supports in the home, or did the
                        in-home supports stop?
                    □  3. Did you (/this person) stop going in-person to day program, workshop, or other
                        unpaid day/community activity?

                    □  4. Did you (/this person) go fewer hours to day program, workshop or other unpaid
                        day/community activity?
                    □  5. Did you (/this person) stop working at a paid job in the community?
                    □  6. Did you (/this person) work fewer hours at a paid job in the community?
                    □  7. Did you (/this person) see family and friends who don’t live with you (/him or her)
                        less often or stop seeing them in-person?

                    □  8. Did you (/this person) go into the community (stores, restaurants, theaters, etc.) less
                        often or stop going?
                    □  9. Did you (/this person) stop going to school in-person?
                    □  10. Did something else change about your (/this person’s) daily life? (describe
                    □  98. None of the above - daily life did not change because of the coronavirus

                    □  99. Don’t know, unclear response
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