Page 249 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 249
6. PROXY ALLOWED Do you want help to feel less worried, scared, anxious or sad?
Other respondent: Does this person need help to feel less worried, scared, anxious or sad?
Respondent: ( ) 1-individual ( ) 2-family/friend ( ) 3-staff ( ) 4-other
2. Yes, I want help and do not currently get any help
3. Yes, I currently get some help but I want more help
1. No, I don’t want help, or don’t want more help than I am already getting
98. Not applicable: Does not feel worried, scared, anxious or sad
99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
Now I am going to ask some questions about your use of technology such as computers
and internet.
7. PROXY ALLOWED Is there a computer, tablet (iPad or similar) or smartphone that you can
use in your home?
Other respondent: Is there a computer, tablet (iPad or similar) or smartphone that this person can
use in his/her home?
Respondent: ( ) 1-individual ( ) 2-family/friend ( ) 3-staff ( ) 4-other
2. Yes
3. Sometimes
1. No
99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
8. PROXY ALLOWED How does your internet work at home? Would you say that …?
[Read first three response options]
Other respondent: How does this person’s internet work at home?
Respondent: ( ) 1-individual ( ) 2-family/friend ( ) 3-staff ( ) 4-other
2. The internet always works and the connection is good
3. The internet sometimes works and the connection is sometimes good
1. The internet rarely or never works, the connection is bad, or I do not have internet in
my home
98. Not applicable- I do not have/use an internet connected device
99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response