Page 254 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 254

Because of coronavirus, many people have been wearing “personal protective equipment”
               (also called “PPE”)– things like masks and gloves so they can stay healthy and safe and keep
               other people healthy and safe.

               21. PROXY ALLOWED Since COVID time started, have your staff used personal protective
                   equipment (PPE)?
                   Other respondent: Since COVID time started have this person’s staff used personal protective
                   Respondent: (  ) 1-individual   (  ) 2-family/friend   (  ) 3-staff   (  ) 4-other
                       Note to surveyor: Please refer to staff who do not live full time with the respondent

                      2. Yes, all staff, always

                      3. Some staff or sometimes
                      4. They used to, but they don’t anymore
                      1. No, no staff, never
                      98. Not applicable--Don’t have staff, or not seeing staff right now, or all staff live with
                      99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

                22. PROXY ALLOWED Since COVID time started, have there been times when you didn’t have
                    the help you needed?

                    For example, were there times when you didn’t have staff or family to help you do things
                    like take a shower, take your medication, make a meal, talk to friends and family, etc.?

                   Other respondent: Since COVID time started, have there been times when this person didn’t have
                   the help needed? For example, were there times in which he/she didn’t have enough help from staff
                   or family to do things like take a shower, take medication, make a meal, talk to friends and family,
                   Respondent: (  ) 1-individual   (  ) 2-family/friend   (  ) 3-staff   (  ) 4-other

                      2. Yes, often
                      3. Yes, sometimes
                      1. No

                      99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
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