Page 250 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 250
Now I am going to ask some questions about how you talk to other people when you
can’t see them since the start of COVID time.
9. PROXY ALLOWED Since COVID time started, have you talked to your friends and family as
much as you want? I’m talking about those friends and family who do not live with you.
Other respondent: Since COVID time started, has this person talked to friends and family as much as
he/she wants?
Respondent: ( ) 1-individual ( ) 2-family/friend ( ) 3-staff ( ) 4-other
2. Yes
3. I talk to some friends/family as much as I want, and some not enough
1. No
98. Not applicable, don’t have friends or family
99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
10. PROXY ALLOWED Since COVID time started, have you talked to your case
manager/service coordinator enough?
Other respondent: Since COVID time started, has this person talked to his/her case manager/service
coordinator enough?
Respondent: ( ) 1-individual ( ) 2-family/friend ( ) 3-staff ( ) 4-other
2. Yes
3. Sometimes, there are times I’ve wanted to talk more
1. No
98. Not applicable, doesn’t have a case manager/service coordinator
99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
11. PROXY ALLOWED Have you ever talked to your case manager/service coordinator using
video conference or telehealth like Skype, Zoom or FaceTime?
Other respondent: Has this person ever talked to his/her case manager/service coordinator using
video conference/telehealth? (Skype, Zoom or FaceTime, for example)?
Respondent: ( ) 1-individual ( ) 2-family/friend ( ) 3-staff ( ) 4-other
2. Yes→ask Q12
1. No→ code Q12 as ‘not applicable’, go to Q13
99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response→ go to Q13