Page 251 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 251

12. PROXY ALLOWED Think about talking to your case manager/service coordinator with
                    video conference or telehealth. Did you like it?

                   Other respondent: Did this person like talking to his/her case manager/service coordinator with
                   video conference or telehealth?
                   Respondent: (  ) 1-individual   (  ) 2-family/friend   (  ) 3-staff   (  ) 4-other

                           2. Yes
                           3. In-between
                           1. No
                           98. Not applicable, did not use video conference
                           99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

                13. PROXY ALLOWED Have you ever talked to any health professionals using video
                    conference/telehealth like Skype, Zoom or FaceTime? A “health professional” could be a
                    doctor, nurse, therapist or specialist who provides health-related services.
                   Other respondent: Has this person talked to health professionals using video conference/telehealth
                   such as Skype, Zoom or FaceTime?
                   Respondent: (  ) 1-individual   (  ) 2-family/friend   (  ) 3-staff   (  ) 4-other
                      2. Yes→ask Q14
                      1. No→ code Q14 as ‘not applicable’, go to Q15
                      99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response→ go to Q15

                14. PROXY ALLOWED Think about talking to health professionals with video conference or
                    telehealth. Did you like it?

                   Other respondent: Did this person like talking to health professionals with video conference or
                   Respondent: (  ) 1-individual   (  ) 2-family/friend   (  ) 3-staff   (  ) 4-other

                           2. Yes
                           3. In-between
                           1. No
                           98. Not applicable, did not use video conference
                           99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
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