Page 323 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 323

 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Suggested Rephrase and Tips   Other Notes

 D-1   What is your favorite   To determine whether a   What is your favorite time of   Please read questions as written and
 season? What is your   proxy will be needed for   year?   carefully code/record what the person
 favorite time of year?   Section II    Any season, holiday, or   says. Rephrase only if needed.
    weather that is associated with

 a season are accepted reliable
 D-2   What about [season]   To determine whether a   Why do you like [season] the   Person needs to give a reliable answer
 makes it your favorite?    proxy will be needed for   best?   for both D-1 and D-2 to continue to
 Section II.              Section I
 The weather, or activities that

 happen during the season are
 accepted reliable answers

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