Page 328 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 328

Section I

                                         Q#              Q                 Indicator/Intent     Suggested Rephrase and Tips          Other Notes
                                         4     Do people let you know   The proportion of people   If the person lives in a   Does not include other people who live
                                               before they come into   whose basic rights are   congregate setting (nursing   in the home (or living space). For
                                               your home? (Do they   respected by others       facility, group home, etc.) the   example, the question is not asking
                                               ring the doorbell or                            question should refer to their   whether a roommate lets the person
                                               knock first and wait for                        living space only.         know when the roommate enters the
                                               an answer?)                                                                home – be sure to make this clear
                                                                                                                          when asking question.
                                                                                                                          This should include staff who have keys
                                                                                                                          to the home to ensure that staff come
                                                                                                                          when scheduled or when expected.

                                         5     Do people let you know   The proportion of people
                                               before coming into your   whose basic rights are
                                               bedroom?              respected by others

                                         6     Do you have a place to   The proportion of people                          This is asked to everyone, including
                                               be alone in your home?   who have a place where they                       individuals who may need 24-hour
                                               (Can you have time to   can have privacy.                                  supervision and those who live alone.

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