Page 330 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 330
Section I
Q# Q Indicator/Intent Suggested Rephrase and Tips Other Notes
7 Do you have a paid job The proportion of people See definition of community Employment information may be
in the community? who have a paid job in the employment in Q7. 'In the available in the PS or BI sections;
community community' may be hard for however, the question should still be
people to understand. asked (as written) even if information is
*If a person’s work setting is
unclear, follow up to ask where Community employment includes
the person works (e.g., at the people who get paid to do work in their
day program, at a local store) neighborhood such as raking leaves or
or the type of work they do. shoveling.
*Refer to PS-7 for place of If the person has more than one job,
employment ask the following questions about the
“primary” job.
8 If No, ask: Would you The proportion of people
like to have a job in the who do not have a job in the
community? community but would like
9 If No or in-between, ask: Reasons that those who do Check all that apply.
Why don’t you want a not have a job in the
job? (Check all that community do not want one.