Page 333 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 333
Section I
Q# Q Indicator/Intent Suggested Rephrase and Tips Other Notes
10 If this person has a job, The proportion of people *Refer to PS-7 for place of
ask: Do you like working who are satisfied with their employment
there? job and/or day program or
11 Would you like to work The proportion of people Would you like a different job? The responses to Q10 and Q9 can both
somewhere else? who are satisfied with their be 'yes'. However, if both responses are
(Would you like a job and/or day program or 'yes', the surveyor should follow up to
different job instead of workshop ensure the person understands the
this one?) question and/or is not acquiescing
(answering ‘yes’ to all questions).
12 Do you go to a day The proportion of people Where do you usually go during This question refers to programs only
program or a sheltered who go to a workshop or day the week? for individuals with disabilities.
workshop (program or program (in a segregated *Refer to PS-8 for name of day Knowing the names of day programs or
center where other setting) program/workshop workshops in the area may be helpful
people with disabilities (see PS-8).
spend their days)? People may have a paid job in the
community and attend a day program
or workshop.
Please note, we want to capture any
day program or workshop including
paid and unpaid activities.